thanks everybody..
believe me im going to tke a bit of everybodies advice and try and do my best...
Jackcrafty, yes it is going to be lots of work indeed..., but it will give the oys something to look forward to.. and it gives there activities some variaty... they do lots of stuff... mostly paintball,
but they also do :
mountin biking
camping (when we go to paintball trips like Oklahoma D-day)
climbing and reppaling
some do a little marksmanship shooting with me and in there JROTC CLASS
and i have traineed a few in some basic boxing and kick boxing..
we also train in map reading and compass or (land Nav)
but right now they are really getting excited about this archery stuff...
and survival..
so it will give them something new and they are really excited and been asking for less of the other and want more about archery... its almost like it is something in the air cuase the all have bow fever.. cant say i dont either... i'm bit too... lol....
a board bow... like you read my mind...
im in Dallas Tx... 75211 in the oak cliff area... and im actually right at the bottom of the hill from IBA.. its a bow rang that we stumbled across while we were hiking around in the woods... i live in an apartment complex that is smack damn on the edge of Oak Cliff / grand prarrie.. oak cliff is like the Gheto part of dallas and grand prarrie is a suberb of dallas that is a lot nicer... but we have mountin creek lake that separates the two..
anyways i live in the city but there is a big wooded and i mean its really big with some small hills ...not much but enough to consider it woods... and then the lake.. but the lake is contamenated so its no good for anything... but im right at the edge of the woods in my apt/town home, cuase across my street is a creek and then woods for miles.... but if you take a step out my front proch and take a left and go to the end of the block its the servic road for spur 408 and if you go up the hill bout 1/8 mile you will hit the IBA... when we found it i we went back home and got my little 48" bear magnum recurve some cedar traditional arrow i have had for yrs i bout the set up several yrs back when i decided i was going to bow hunt and i had huntined with it twice in one season and no luck and then put htem up until we stumbled on that rang.. and i also had a coulpe of 25 # deflex style fierglass youth bows that are aldoer than dirt in my storage and one we 35 pound glass bow that was in my grand pa's shed that my little cousin fond after he passed away and we were cleeaning out his stuff befor my uncles were planing to rent out his house...
soo we grabed what we had and went to taht iba and now tahts all the boys have been wanting to do... everytime they come over for there outdoors week end...
tahnk you for your replies and yes on the bowers bible i'm just not found of spending a whole lot of money on books becuse im not a strong reader... its funny cuase i will read and pick at this type board for hrs if its online or even on computer.. but if its in a book pst... piss on
but i promis i will try and pick one up but ther is a company out this way n north texas that sells used books called Half Price Books and the have serveral locations and i have bought a few reloading manual's there cause yes i shoot rifle and love to shoot long range guess its that Marine Corps Sniper thing in me soo i hand load all my ammo... for better accuracy.. and i have bought books for that soo i guess im going to have to invest in a bowers manual as well...
but i'm not in a real hurry for now im probably going to pester ya'll on this board till i stop getting reply's (hope that dont happin) soo i'll learn how to post pics some day and i'll look to ya'll as my mentors...
trespassing hope not, ill try not too.. we have plenty of open woods here i dont know just what the land is i think its just govt. land i dont think anybody can build on it... dont know why or what but ther is no absoloutly no signs up of any soarse and we are the only ones that go into them wood except for an occasional couple of people that might go out there on four wheelers and tear up the trails we have made hiking and there is a couple of guys taht ride there horses out ther for excersize but i know its not there land i think it might be some kind of researve...
but who knows been hiking and scouting them woods for a cuple of yrs and still dont have much of it expolered... but thanks for the tip on the wood glue... defanantly going to use that one... i wonder could you use the reg.. white elmers glue for that prupose just ask cuase its sooo much cheaper... plus i know a school teacher that could get me that stuff for an un beatable price..

stick bow? ive done that one with a couple of the kids... and i say boys but they are teens... my oldest team member is 16 and the youngest one will be 12 in a couple of months btu the majority are 15 -16yrs old... but i have been working with most of them since they were about 12-13 and now they bout 15-16... some come and go and some bring new members and some last and some dont... but i try and give them something othere than hanging out doing bad things and teach them stuff that is fun and challangeing and give them something other than mischeif to get into... bundle bow... i have never tried that but i always though of it since i saw preditor w/arnaold shceristnaieger i know i misspelled that one for sure lol... maybe one weekend we will try it as a project... but i was planing on doing a board bow project since if they brought bout 5 bucks each i could take them to lowes and have them pick out an oak board and we could work on that for the imediate and take them out to the woods and have them try cut wood and debark and seal it and store it til wood is ready i just didnt know what or how to properly do it soo i take it :
Cut , split, debark, seal ends with glue and store for a couple of months.

and as they waite for that wood they can work on baord bow and maybe a heat or fre treatd stick bow??? and if all fails they can still practice achery shooting with the glass bows until they produce there own bow and maybe one of each style and eventually hunt with there prefered bow???

if there is anymore advice im all ears...
thanks you all...