Thanks for the feedback guys.
Dave, I have 2 pieces of backstrap sinew on hand, but that's it and it was a smaller deer too. So maybe not enough yet to back one, but this fall I will have the word out to family to send their sinew my way. So hopefully can give that a try eventually.
Mike, I think some it too may have been like you said about the middle third. I think I may could have had a little more bend near the tips. The handle was a little thicker, it was about 1 growth ring thicker, you can sort of see it in the picture after heat treat. But yeah it was definately overstressed especially with over drawing it... I am going to be paying much better attention to the set on the next one.
Thanks again guys. Hopefully the next one will hold up better. It's fun learning either way, really appreciate the help from folks on here too.