I made another small change and this was the tilt of the bow. Formerly when I shot instinctive I was shooting with the bow perfectly vertical, with the string bisecting the arrow. With my corner of the mouth anchor, everything was perfectly in line left and right, so I never had to worry about windage. All my shots were perfectly in line left and right, although I had issues with elevation, especially out past 15 yards. I just focused on the target center and executed a good shot. Now, with the higher anchor, which I implemented to gap shoot and aim the arrow, I have lost that in line arrow. Since I now draw to my cheekbone/thumb in ear, the nock end of the arrow is off to the right, instead of being lined up straight. So I’ve noticed my shots going left more. Also, I felt cramped up trying to shoot a vertical bow with this anchor. So today, I tried tilting the bow to around 45 degrees. For one, it really let me get the anchor more comfortably. Then I noticed with the canted bow I was able to line up the arrow so it appeared straight. I’m still playing around with it. Come to think of it, I don’t think there’s many shooters who anchor off the side of their face who don’t tilt the bow to some degree. Anyway, today I feel that I solved some issues. If anyone has thoughts on the tilted bow I would love to hear.