I had my granddaughter shoot a tillering gizmo how to video to put on youtube, it was OK but my performance was kinda' stiff.
I posted it on my youtube channel, it got a good response.
Later I was trying to help a flintlock gun builder who did the worst work I had ever seen, everything he made was really slopped together with huge inletting gaps and crooked lines. When I suggested he might make a pattern on his stock blank before he started hacking away wood freehand, he got a little testy and questioned my gun building ability.
I was building a American fowler with English influence, I had just finished the lock panel and wrist shaping so I posted a 30 second video of my building progress. When the guy saw my work he changed his tune about my shortcomings and was very apologetic.
You tube had a purge of anything not monetized the mentioned guns and canceled my channel for "violating their guidelines". My repeated attempts to find why they erased my videos were met with silence.