Author Topic: black locust flatbow build a long  (Read 4664 times)

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Offline Zugul

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black locust flatbow build a long
« on: August 12, 2021, 07:02:09 am »
I've started this thread because I'd like to get some advice from you. I've harvested and split a straight black locust tree this January, then I waited till May to debark, take off the sapwood and seal the back and the ends of the staves. The tree wasn't very big, only 6 1/2" in diameter. A month ago I started working down one of the staves, bringing it near the front profile dimensions I chose but leaving it pretty thick, to have enough wood to work with. For the next week I kept it inside my house (75°F, 50% r.h. average); I weighted it every day and it's weight didn't change, so the wood shoud be dry enough.
the current dimensions of the stave are:
73 1/2" ttt
5" long, 1" wide, 1 2/5" thick handle
2 1/2" long, 1 3/4" wide ​fades
front profile:
1 3/4" wide from the fades to 5 1/2" in the limb, then it tapers to 1 1/5" at 18" from the fades, then it tapers to 3/5" at 25" from the fades, finally it tapers to 1/2" at 30" from the fades.
currently thickness is 3/4" just out the fades, 5/8" mid limb and 1/2" at the tips. I measured thickness from the side of the stave, leaving out the crown. the stave has 2 1/6" of reflex, measured from the back of the handle.
My goal for this bow is to not mess it up, so I'd like to be on the safe side and not push the wood to it's limit. I'd like to get a 45-47# bow without a lot of set or chrysals.
how would you proceed now?

20210812_104341 by Mattia Zuccolo, su Flickr
20210812_104408 by Mattia Zuccolo, su Flickr

Offline Ricardovanleeuwen

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Re: black locust flatbow build a long
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2021, 02:32:26 pm »
Looking forward to your build along, im going to practise ri g chasing when im done with my current  bow in progress