i know a lot of folks use sinew. so do i when i have it. its glue and cordage all in one. however , theres times i dont have any. i still want to use something natural i could find and process on my own. at times i use plant fibers. such as nettle.i use a 2 ply string. use the thinnest fibers to make it. now i know you can wrap and tie this. which is good but if you use your hand for a shelf you have to be real careful you get it flat as possible. it will cut you eventually.ive figured out a better way . lol, for me anyhow. i noticed that if i soak that string, itll get real limp.it will go on in such a manner that you can flatten it out. kind of like sinew. problem was, its hard to tie and keep tight like that. soooo, on with the experiment. so i thought hmmm, kind of like sinew when wet. needs glue.so i made up some watery hide glue. soaked it in that. just wraped, smushed flat. let dry.then using a finger and thumb smoothed on some glue water over it once more when it dried.works great! i have some elm cambium i made thin flat strips of cordage from. seems pretty tuff. going to try this soon with some new arrows im making.will post how it works out and some pictures in the near future. Tony