I should be posting some bows, or some newly finished arrows. But realizing that my newest bows and arrows looks like things I have posted before, I decided to post something else. A weekend with friends, real bows (mostly) and real arrows (mostly) at this years traditional event (Vejen Traditionaltræf) in Denmark.
The Vejen Traditional Event is one of too few 3D events in Denmark that caters to the traditional wooden bows and arrows “segment” It’s a two day event in a relaxed atmosphere, with a session of informal shooting at a flying foam goose, suspended clay pigeons and a Robin Hood competition on day one (Saturday) and a more traditional 3D competition on day two (Sunday). Saturday was, of cause, topped off with barbecue, bonfire and plenty beer/wine and a chance to discuss wooden bow with like minded people.

Lining up. My patrol sported two young ace archers….cudos to Rasmus (grey hat) for passing on the torch to his sons.

Jon with his, annoyingly perfect;-), snake skinned yew flatbow (this bow won the “Most Beautiful Bow” ballot vote…deservingly). This bow seems to be as fast and forgiving as most glass backed bows.

Rasmus shooting his 10 year old yew bow (this guy practice bow monogamy like no one else). The Vejen 3D range includes shots from stands, uphill - and downhill shots as well as shots into woods and from wood to open field.

Downhill shot (and miss if I recall correctly;-) by me. The Elm Hjarnø bow and hassle shot arrow combination proved quite capable.

Me trying to catch up with Jon (his arrow pretty much mark the spot).

Two yew bows by the same bowyer.

The course included some hard shots. This hare was at the end of a narrow corridor of trees, 28m away.
Weather was awesome and the woods was like standing inside a green explosion

Jon with his yew flat bow. The combination of rattlesnake, moderate character and beaver tail grip works really well on this bow. I wish it was differently, but its my arrow at his fingers and his 15 cm below.

These guys and gals fling arrow like the best. Interest in traditional archery has definitely been sparked in these juniors. Informal 3D events like Vejen Traditional is a great way to show youngsters that there is a world of archery outside FITA.

Rasmus (left) made 4th, but Jon (right) was unbeatable that Sunday. I had to stay out of top 4 so that pictures could be taken;-).
Thanks for watching