Hi Guys!
It`s been a wile since I finished a bow and I wanted to share this one with you all.
I have a carpenter friend that helped me quite a bit when I first started making bows.
Unfortunally, he`s got to close his shop, so I went to his place and asked permission to
scaveng for any good board. I found a piece of african walnut and took it to use it as a core
for a long time planed bow. After ripping a core lam, I had just enough of that walnut left to experiment so I backed it with
some red oak stripes I had (yes, you read it right- RED OAK BACKING). I went for a simple flat bow
and had no expectations. During the rough cut, I exidentaly cut the fades to short and the handle piece poped off!
I went on and ended up with a bendy handle flatbow. She`s only 30lb@26" but, oh man, she zipps these arrow! After 100+ shots
she took almost no set!
She might not be the prettiest bow on my rack but I`m very pleased with the results.
66" TTT red oak backed african walnut
Ipe tips
Cork built up handle with leather grip (I still need to work on my stiching...)

Front profile:


Full Draw: