Woke up to 4"s of snow this morning and still falling so I can say elk season has officially opened for me. Got caught with the irrigation pump still in the creek and all the pipes and hoses still spread out all over the place! I saw a bull elk from the deck yesterday. He was across the road in the hills coming off the divide. I should have paid attention as the elk can help predict snow storms. If the storm is a small one that won't last long, the elk just hole up in the timber, but if the storm is going to be substantial they move out to the lower country before the storm hits. That bull was trying to tell me something and I did not listen! At least I got to take the jet boat for a forty mile ride and over nighter in the Big Horn Canyon. That is a beautiful place unlike any other I have ever found. Sheer canyon walls and a very deep and winding body of water. Its a perfect place to really do the "pedal to the metal" in a jet. Also made a cycle run up and down the Chief Joseph Highway to Dead Indian Creek. Will try to make a run into Yellowstone to watch the elk bugle next week! And then the hunting will begin. Hope to score an elk for the Classic and am really hoping that I can make it as my hero "Jimmy" plans to be there! AHO Joe