Thanks for the advice guys,
The secondhand tool place here is pretty small, has some nice things, but the best stuff goes reaaal fast. I should be able to grab some cheap tools though.
I found a nice looking 10" greenlee on the website, it looks very nice, and only $15 bucks, unfortunately shipping is about $42, haha. It looks real nice though, I'll talk to the boss

Pat B, now you mention it, where the bark had come free (about 4-6 inches at one end) the sapwood has kind of a grey tinge to it, whereas the rest of the sapwood is a creamy yellowish colour, maybe it got a bit of fungus or something in it where it had no bark protection. I guess I can either cut it down (but its already short) or I could go down and attempt to chase a ring.... at least the rings are quite thick on this one

but I'd definitely need a drawknife for that.