Cool! My thought is that the person who made it, was just putting the finishing touches on it, and it broke! Hence the two pieces, being picked up, and blessed with the knappers secret lithic words,
#$#@!!!!#@$!!! and the broken point dance, complete with foot stomping, and kicking any object near, be it inanimate, or animate, and then the two halves being tossed in different directions, as far as could be thrown, complete with the proper send off of secret lithic words. !@$#%$##@!!!**&%!!
. Yep, I can envision that scenario!
In fact I think I can pretty much replicate the words, not in that person's native tongue, but the meanings are the same, and the dance! Not the point, but the words, and dance, I can do a pretty good approximation, due to much intense study and practice.