Author Topic: Mt. Lion  (Read 2434 times)

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Offline Wolf Watcher

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Mt. Lion
« on: October 06, 2012, 11:09:57 am »
Winter came in one day!  Its 10 degrees with 3 or 4 inches of new snow.  Can see some elk in the hills on each side of the house!  My wife has several barn yard cats and a couple of them sleep on the front porch.  There is an incline ramp going up the side of the garage to the porch level and a set of steps leading to the front walk.  My wife was sitting on her front room couch about 10:30 when see heard a cat fight on the walkway!  When she opened the door the lion was eating her favorite cat and he just stood there.  By the time I got out of bed and grabbed my shot gut the rascal had made off to the river bottom.  This happened a couple of nights ago and there was no snow for tracking. There were lion tracks to one foot of the front door where he trapped "Whitey" the cat. This young lion has been around here and across the river to the neighbors since haying time in July.  I could have shot him right outside of the yard a couple of months ago before the lion season but opted to wait.  He went thru the yard during the day when I was up elk hunting and my wife is reluctant to shoot a gun.  Because of the grizzlies and this lion we don't do chores after dark.  We can shoot wolves again, but I haven't seen one in several months.  Sent one cow elk home to Oregon with my son in law and still have two cow tags and one white tail left.  Thanks for reading!  A/Ho Joe
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Offline Keenan

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Re: Mt. Lion
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2012, 11:22:01 am »
Wow, That is definitely "close to home" Good luck getting him Joe and you and the Misses be carefull out there.. the guy that I called in the bull for got a really nice cougar again this year. He has got five so far with a bow. He is sending me a video clip of a cougar fight that his trail cam captured this year.

Offline Newindian

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Re: Mt. Lion
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2012, 11:40:02 am »
I need to move near you
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Offline gstoneberg

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Re: Mt. Lion
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2012, 01:44:56 pm »
Whoa, that would make my heart go pitter-pat for sure.  Hope you get him.

St Paul, TX

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Mt. Lion
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2012, 02:41:35 pm »
Joe, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Whitey.  I remember him, he was a handsome cat. 

I'd be willing to bet the mice got together to pay the mt. lion to do it.  I'm hoping ol' Whitey gives him fits of indigestion!

Keep Eloise safe, please, and give her all my love.

Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline FlintWalker

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Re: Mt. Lion
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2012, 11:21:46 pm »
Sorry to hear about your cat Joe. I had to scare some coyotes off one of my dogs last spring. They had her down in the yard chewing on her, but she made it alright.
 Yall stay on yer toes and don't give that lion any chances.
Be thankfull for all you have, because no matter how bad you think it can always be worse.

Offline johnston

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Re: Mt. Lion
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2012, 10:45:50 am »
Always enjoy your posts Joe though I am sorry about the cat. You plan on
killing the lion if you get a chance?

Down here the leaves are falling and the temp today is supposed to be 74.


Offline Pappy

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Re: Mt. Lion
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2012, 07:07:03 am »
Sorry about the cat Joe,hope you get a shot at him. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline cracker

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Re: Mt. Lion
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2012, 08:45:30 am »
Sorry to hear about the cat. Good story had to make you're hair stand up a little. Stay safe Ron
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Offline Wolf Watcher

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Re: Mt. Lion
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2012, 09:13:32 am »
No luck with the lion.  He has been seen up and down the river so someone will eventually get him.  In the mean time I have a bunch of cats in my shop!  Been spending some time in the hills and going again this morning.  Saw three big herds last evening at a distance.  They know the country and can be in some hard to get to places (meaning packing elk out on your back is a chore for an old Indian)!  Saw four different sets of big wolf tracks in the snow early yesterday morning.  If anyone thinks they are easy to shoot they are mistaken.  Hawk Huston called in a really nice six point bull for one of his buddies to shoot at close range!  I have had some fantastic opportunities, just no bull tag.  Wish I could share some of these days with the Tenn. crew.  Have been wearing my Shannon pine tree for luck!  A/Ho Joe
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Offline Sparrow

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Re: Mt. Lion
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2012, 12:58:19 am »
We have a dozen deer coming in every day to eat apples and plums in the yard,and of course,every night.I keep getting a feeling about going outside at night. Neighbor has had cats on his property lately. Hmmmm........ Be careful Joe,them kitties will scratch you......Ha !  Take the flashlight and a .44 out with you at night. Kitty,kitty.......'  Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington

Offline Wolf Watcher

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Re: Mt. Lion
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2012, 08:28:55 am »
Frank:  This young cat is not the only one around.  The others can kill a deer to eat so are not such a worry as this fellow.  I found two dead elk cows miles apart that were partially eaten.  Got the ivories and some leg sinew.  The one caucus had been eaten by a huge griz.  Makes a fellow very alert when wondering around the country!  Have often wondered if you miss the fishing boat and all that goes with it?  A/Ho Joe
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Mt. Lion
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2012, 07:17:48 pm »

     Sorry to hear about the loss of your cat.  A week and a half ago, I had put
out the uh..... range cattle .... food, ::) and the darn deer ate it, and then I threw out some sliced apples for the uh... range cattle, ::) and the darn deer ate those too, so after they left, I put some uh...... bird feed out for the uh.....local wild birds, ::) and the darn four o clock shift turkeys came in and ate that.  I still haven't had any range cattle get any food yet, but i will keep trying.  So I had a roast in the oven, and I looked out of the kitchen window, and I see a doe standing, there, and I got close to the window, and she backed a little into the woods, and I saw that she was a new one, so I looked to see where the turkeys went, and they were gone, and then I saw something move by my porch deck, and I thought it was a turkey, and then I saw the color, and thought oh, one of the fawns, then I saw it wasn't moving right, and thought uh oh, and then for sure, the tail flicked up, and I thought about grabbing my shotgun, but didn't know for sure how the neighbors would react to it, so I just ran out onto the deck, and stomped on the deck, clapped my hands, and yelled at it, and it took off like a bat out of hell!  It was a pretty good sized one, and very healthy looking, for the small amount of time I got to look at it.  There were 14 young turkeys in one of the flocks that come up to feed, and now there are 12.  I thought that maybe the eagles, or coyotes had gotten them, but now I am wondering if it was the lion.  I went over and talked to one of my neighbors, and told him, and told him to be careful of his young dog, but it was with his wife at their Grand kids.  I told the neighbor behind me, and she said that she was coming home from Missoula, when she finally got cell service, and got a msg from someone, saying that there was a big lion, sitting in her driveway, just watching traffic go by.  My neighbor across the street from me, said they were sitting on their porch, around four, which is when this bugger was here, and they watched a big one walk just as casually as can be down the creek bank behind their house, heading towards a neighbors ranch.  Where I live there are a lot of BIG ones, in the area.  My Buddy, and his friends, hunt them just up the road.  I was talking to a guy in the restaurant, and told him about the lion, and he said that they have been seen in town.  There are a lot of deer in town, and they are obnoxious as can be.  I was driving down town, and I looked over to see two does eating about two to three feet from the train tracks, when a train comes along and blows his horn, and they just continue eating!  Then I look in front of me and here is an eight point buck just taking his sweet time crossing the road, so after I let him go on across, and almost to the side walk, I pull up along side of him, and honk my horn, and he just turns his head, and gives me a look as if to say, Whatever!  Then he just takes his sweet time walking on to the side walk.  I have seen a doe window shopping at night!  She was just walking along the sidewalk, and would stop in front of the stores, and look in the window, and then on to the next one, and finally to a vacant lot, to eat the crab apples.  So I would not doubt the lions being seen in town.  They will definitely get house hold pets if they have the chance.  Again sorry for the loss of your cat, and I hope you get the big one.  I told my neighbors that if they hear a shotgun blast, not to pay any attention to it.  They told me the same. ;)
