Bow season is going to start up pretty soon, and I doubt that I will find much time for bow building till after the 31st of January. I figured that I would end up my bow building season by getting back to basics. This one is 65" ntn and 1 3/8 wide up to 11 inches from the tip, where it tapers to 3/8" at the nocks. It is lightly heat treated white oak. Black leather wrap grip, with brown suede arrow pass and a slight rest cut in. Hung a feather off of it so that I would know which way the wind was blowing. In the low 50's - 54# @ 30". Sweet shooting bow. All things considered, a plain ole D bow is really hard to beat. This one was fairly challenging to tiller, had some snakey side to side stuff going on and one limb had some natural deflex to it, while the other was reflexed about 4" I tried to just work with what I had and see if I could tiller it out without inducing lots of flips or setback in the handle. I think it turned out okay. No full draw photos yet, my photographer is working overtime these days. One pic of it drawn to 24" After a couple hundred arrows and being drawn to a full 30" it took on about an inch of set, but was back to about a quarter inch after a couple of hours.