The short flakes that have steps are because you are- A hitting to soft, B do not have convexity. There are other reasons but these are two basic areas you can easily focus on. If the flake you want to remove is just straight or even worse if it has a dip in it then it will most likely step. The better you get the more you will know what will work but for now try hitting only good platforms that have good convexity. Convexity is the amount of curve on the flake you want to remove. You want the flake to be strong when it is releasing so an arch of stone is stronger than a flat line of stone and a dip is the reverse of an arch and twice as weak. Good luck and hope this helps. BTW what you learn now applies to pressure flaking "good convexity is the key" Now if you do not have the convexity then create it. You will figure out how.