Solistice? Outside? If it is celebrated after 12, ok.

I am retired. I go to bed late, and I get up late.

Is there going to be beer? women?

....... Should I bring a tree, or a spruce bough? You know for the Druids....

Maybe some glass balls with colore liquids in them, to keep the eviel spirits away.....But what ever your beliefs, or lack there of, I wish all avery merry Christmas.
And Dana for you I wish 12" ice, and 20" Walleyes, and 36" Pike, and the usual run of the mill Saugers, and Perch. Oh yah, and sum hot pasties, Brats, and beer too hey. Yah, hey dat ice fishin is hard work now don'tcha know, and yah gotta keep da strength up in dem arms ta hoist all dem fish in now! So you jus hook dat little guy up, and drop him in and tell him ta go get hiss big brudder ya know.