No ,I did'nt get a shot opportunity this morning,but it's startin' to look promising. About 8:30 I had a nice 6 point,(but not quite legal,they must be at least 13" inside,or have one unbranched antler),come in and open up a scrape that has been used for the last 3 years.(It's the same scrape the good 8 point I got last season had worked right before I took him).The 6 pt.worked the lick limb above it like he was serious.It was a lot of fun just watching him at 50 feet. I got down a little after 10:00,went to get my wife,who is huntin' a stand about 600-700 yards from me.She saw the same buck and said he was struttin' his stuff.It was 40 degrees and just plain pretty this mornin'. Just wanted to share. God Bless