35# bow is almost 3X less in terms of what we find today acceptable as median strenght of late medieval weapon. Hence it probably does not belong here. If you ever want to wrok yourself up to stronger bows I suggest you to make or buy self nocked ash full bend, well rounded ash bow of some 65# and start to excersise long draw with dynamic movement of both arms and with final position somehow "in the bow" rather than " behind the bow" (as sport archers do). Imho, you cannot learn to shoot heavy bow with very light bow, because the weight itself will eventually force you into desired technique, unless you are strong as ox and equally stupid. On the other hand trying to apply with 35# bow to heavy bow is asking for trouble and recipe for damaged shoulders.
75# for starters will be better and any grown man, which is not ill or too old can manage that with correct draw technique without much problems. It is still debatable from what strenght longbow should be considered purelly tool of war, but then man has to look at context in which heavy hunting bow, suitable for deer, probably selfnocked and around 75# must have been the weapon of 1300´, but everything suggest that at crecy it was already much more powerfull weapon and one almost twice as strong at 1500´ .