Author Topic: 13 years ago this week  (Read 2584 times)

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Offline JW_Halverson

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13 years ago this week
« on: June 07, 2024, 09:43:43 pm »
Dog people often say that there are many good dogs but usually only one that is the dog of a lifetime. It was 13 years ago this week that I put down that one for me. I have now been without her for as long as I had her. While the pain is not as sharp, there is no mistaking that it is still there.

Eleven years ago I was fostering a feral dog from Pine Ridge and we were just plain NOT gelling. We were oil and water, and it was mostly my fault. Lena was suffering because I was unfairly comparing her to Scully when in reality every dog is a Study of One. Every new dog needs a whole new approach to training, the team needs to build it's very own language and techniques. When I began to get that through my thick scull Lena and I began to make strides.

Tonite I am looking at her and that once coal black muzzle is pale grey.  When we get out in the woods she gives it her all, and then on the way home she pays the price. Lena is stiff and sore for several days after. To be fair, the same could be said for me. Neither of us are getting any younger, both are on a short clock.

So Lena and I move forward one day at a time. The dog that once feared me and wanted nothing to do with me now noodges me for scratches, crawls up on my lap on the couch, and will break off pursuit of game when I call. Her behavior is still far, far more coyote than dog. The mere fact that she accepts my commands (mostly) when she is so fiercely independant is proof that with enough positive reinforcement you can win trust.

We don't deserve dogs, do we?

Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline sleek

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Re: 13 years ago this week
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2024, 03:11:47 am »
We really don't. Not even Jesus had a dog follow Him
 They were already perfect.
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: 13 years ago this week
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2024, 07:52:30 am »
I am a dog lover. I always have been. They are all so different yet the same. It’s always so hard to lose them.

The last one we lost died right in my arms and we all bawled uncontrollably. We still very much miss her.

Since then we got two different puppies. My wife and daughter immediately went on a search to replace our lost family member.

They had a list off requirements. Small, female and short hair.

Well two out of three isn’t bad and they came home with a barely weaned Morkie A cute little flee magnet that chewed holes in my dry wall. We all loved her even though she chewed on everything and constantly was biting.

My wife and daughter called her Roxy. I affectionately call her knucklehead. She is a very smart dog, but a mischievous knucklehead. We get along very well, both of us are very similar. My daughter says I have a way with dogs and old ladies in the nursing

My daughter was still missing her little chow. My wife and I were growing attached to our Morkie. One of my daughter’s friends gave her a chihuahua puppy. She named her Penny, but I call her pip squeak.

They are so different from each other. Knuckhead loves new people and dogs . She literally goes crazy whenever she meets either. She gets so excited and wants to approach them. Usually scaring the other person or dog.

Pip squeak is terrified of new people or dogs. She will hide behind one of us and shiver. That is until knucklehead starts to win over them and get her belly rubbed. After a while she can’t stop herself. She has to be the center of attention and if anyone is going to get her belly rub it’s gonna be her. She then has to overcome her fear and confidently approach the strangers.

These two very different dogs are perfect for each other. They play together constantly and obviously miss each other when they’re apart.

We love them both.

They are so much more than just friends


« Last Edit: June 08, 2024, 07:56:12 am by bjrogg »
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Offline Muskyman

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Re: 13 years ago this week
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2024, 11:25:28 am »
I agree, dogs are great. I lost 2 within a week of each other 5-6 years ago. Both labs. Deuce was black and my storm gauge. He was scared of them. Hours before a storm would come he would start walking around looking up at the sky with that funny scared look on his face. I’d go check the radar and sure enough a storm would be coming. Summer I got from my daughter’s friend because they couldn’t keep her. She was probably my best dog ever. She died from cancer and Deuce from old age. Summer was the happiest best behaved dog I’ve ever had. We said we’d never get another after that happened, but a few years later we have Cosmo. He’s my first little dog and my first in the house dog. He’s a great little guy that seeks attention like nobody’s business but scared of anything new. Other dogs, people , strange noises or new items in the house. So far a really good little guy. Doesn’t get into things at all. Wish he wasn’t so scared of everything new but he’s not afraid of squirrels or deer at all. I let him out and if a deer or squirrel is in sight he’s wide open right at them. It’s comical really. I tell my wife he’s like the cowardly lion on the wizard of oz.

Offline gifford

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Re: 13 years ago this week
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2024, 02:50:41 pm »
We've had 5 dogs, all have been rescues. They have all been the same in one respect, grateful for new family and all different in habits and attitudes. We love them all unconditionally and we receive the same love in return. Both of us have had that one special dog. We currently have 14 ish year old Gordon Setter mix and a 10-12 Aussie Lab mix. Our old girl is hanging in there and junior is as rambunctious as ever, yet they get along great. Daily walks are definitely a big part of their lives and naps tend to get longer as they get older. Much like many of us here.

Offline Aaron1726

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Re: 13 years ago this week
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2024, 03:26:14 pm »
Just lost my hound dog Beau this past Friday.  We all miss him dearly.  He was as much a part of the family as the rest of us.  It hurts to have him gone, but it warms my heart to hear all these tales of other canine companions.  The bond we share with them is truly something very special.

Offline Pappy

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Re: 13 years ago this week
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2024, 09:32:07 am »
Ya as most of yall know just lost Sally at about 13 years, she was a very special dog for sure, I have been Blessed over the years to have had 4 other really special dogs and always heart breaking to loose them, now I have Sister at 7+ she is slowing down but will rank right up their with the others, it takes some of the pain away to get a new pup so we will see if Annie my new pup will turn out like the others.I always keep 2 dogs and when the older one passes on put a pup with the one left, they seems to work pretty good, the older one teaches the younger one the rules and kind of become their momma, like said all are a little different but always seem to become part of the family, just wished they could live as long as we do, a question I plan on asking when I get to the other side.  :) Old and young  ;)
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: 13 years ago this week
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2024, 08:56:14 pm »
That’s a mighty fine looking puppy there Pappy.

Nice picture

A hot cup of coffee and a beautiful sunrise

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: 13 years ago this week
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2024, 11:54:13 pm »
Ya as most of yall know just lost Sally at about 13 years, she was a very special dog for sure, I have been Blessed over the years to have had 4 other really special dogs and always heart breaking to loose them, now I have Sister at 7+ she is slowing down but will rank right up their with the others, it takes some of the pain away to get a new pup so we will see if Annie my new pup will turn out like the others.I always keep 2 dogs and when the older one passes on put a pup with the one left, they seems to work pretty good, the older one teaches the younger one the rules and kind of become their momma, like said all are a little different but always seem to become part of the family, just wished they could live as long as we do, a question I plan on asking when I get to the other side.  :) Old and young  ;)

Well, now that I am 1200 miles away and out of your reach, I will confess. I stopped by and spent a little time through the fence with Sister. I knew she was not pleased to be locked up and was still missing Sally. I chatted with her through the fence and poked fingers through to pet her as best I could. There may or may not have been a few pieces of special dried deer liver and sinew scrap crisps that I make for my girl slipped to the unfortunate inmate.
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.