Author Topic: Was given two 58's  (Read 6512 times)

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Offline Tradslinger

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Was given two 58's
« on: January 08, 2021, 06:54:18 am »
last fall, an uncle showed up to visit and brought surprises. He had a Traditions 50 cal pistol that wouldn't cock and needed it fixed. I ended up making a flat spring for it. But then he brought in two 58 Zouave repo's and gave them to me. One of them was a cherrished Zouave that I had bought in 1974 in San Antonio to shoot in the Alamo Muzzleloading Gun Club. It was made in Italy and was my first muzzleloading rifle of any sort. I was working for a gunsmith at the time that built 10 RING PRECISION muzzle loading pistols for competetion shooting. The gunsmith, Alex, was watching me shoot it and began telling me to squeeze and quit jerking the trigger so hard. I loaded it and handed it to him to shoot. After a little bit, he turn and looked at me as he jerked the trigger to fire it off. The trigger sucks, he said and so do your sights. So we headed back to his shop and he showed me how to do a trigger job and then silver soldered on better sights. Won a lot of stuff with it with those better sights and a 2 1/2lb trigger versus 22lbs. I had joined the Air Force and wanted my uncle, who hunted, to deer hunt with it since he didn't have a muzzle loader. I gave him everything that I had for it, including two molds. My uncle harvested 19 deer with it but now it just weighted too much and so he wanted to know it I wanted it back. Of course! Then he gave me a second one that he had bought years ago in a pawn shop, it was a newer one and not quite the quality of the first one but still a shooter. Living in a two story log home, I have my old one hanging on the wall just past the fireplace. I just gave a son n law the other one. was totally unexpected and very cool. Every body that comes in the house has to go check it out. gottal love thos old smokepoles

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Was given two 58's
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2021, 07:56:18 am »

I hade a great and very thoughtful friend die from cancer who gave me me all his BP stuff before he passed. custom flint rifle, trade gun, Lyman plains pistol, derringer, 3 sets of bags with matching horns both large and priming, and several other horns plus two tackle boxes full of every BP accessory known to man, flints and powder included.

He said I was the only one he knew who would use and enjoy his stuff and enjoy it I have. His gift started me on my rifle building journey, up to then I had never owned or shot anything but TC stuff.

Offline Tradslinger

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Re: Was given two 58's
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2021, 09:12:39 am »

I hade a great and very thoughtful friend die from cancer who gave me me all his BP stuff before he passed. custom flint rifle, trade gun, Lyman plains pistol, derringer, 3 sets of bags with matching horns both large and priming, and several other horns plus two tackle boxes full of every BP accessory known to man, flints and powder included.

He said I was the only one he knew who would use and enjoy his stuff and enjoy it I have. His gift started me on my rifle building journey, up to then I had never owned or shot anything but TC stuff.
that was very nice indeed. I was a junior in high school when I bought the 58. As a senior in 75, I built a 50 cal hawkins style rifle (not a kit) and won state with it n Texas. I totally agree with your friend on how to give such treasures. I have a son that I wish that I could leave things like this to but he would just squander them for a few cases of beer. So my daughter and son n law who appreciate these things have been slowly getting things. Gifts like that can make a huge change in someone's life. very cool

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Was given two 58's
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2021, 01:47:50 pm »
I have the same dilemma, my son could care less about my extensive gun collection, I don't know where I went wrong, he is a "liberal minded" when it comes to guns, could be his wife's fear of them in general.

I do have some nephews and friends who will appreciate them, pay it forward so to speak after what my friend did for me.

I was a senior in 65.

Offline Tradslinger

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Re: Was given two 58's
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2021, 03:58:17 pm »
I have the same dilemma, my son could care less about my extensive gun collection, I don't know where I went wrong, he is a "liberal minded" when it comes to guns, could be his wife's fear of them in general.

I do have some nephews and friends who will appreciate them, pay it forward so to speak after what my friend did for me.

I was a senior in 65.
it hurts to have a son that is so different from you in so many ways. my son has "borrowed" several of my firearms to never be seen again, ones that I highly valued. But I have two grandsons that appreciate things handed down. I just hope to have certain things for sure given to certain people before I go, so I do it slowly. A gift given to the right person can be seen in their eyes. it was great talking to you Eric. Jerry

Offline GlisGlis

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Re: Was given two 58's
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2021, 08:14:29 am »
I just hope to have certain things for sure given to certain people before I go, so I do it slowly. A gift given to the right person can be seen in their eyes.
I think many times sons expect to be given things. That will, in some way, reduce the value of the object to their eyes.