Hey guys, I'm Damon. I've read a lot on the site and others but I still have some questions. Been shooting recurves and longbows for 20+ years and I'm getting the itch to make some self bows. I plan to make it to a rendezvous when possible and get some osage, but for now I have maple (sugar, i think) to get cut and drying. How long should I cut the trees (poles, really, some about two hands around), I draw 27-28"? I have Tite-Bond to seal the ends for now, is that okay? I've read where I should wait til it warms up to strip the bark easier also. I'm thinking about building a work bench over this weekend to keep me too busy to hack trees down since it's in the 30's in western MI
I probably should've asked this last night since I'm heading up to camp in a couple hours, bit I dozed off reading the Cooking Forum last night. I already love the site, you guys got skills! Thanks!