Thanks fellas.
After all is done I feel it was worth the effort.Using it proves it's worth.Mr. Grumleys' inventions live on.A bit more tip set back at the tips on the bow I think would give it a better look yet.
Chuck....I know your no stranger to patience from seeing your work.I'm sure you would do well with your own take on these type tips.
I had some at random arrows to shoot this bow in but as usual I can't help but make some arrows for this bow.I've got a lower 40"s # red cedar & osage bow that could shoot these good too.Still around almost 12 grain arrows to the bows though.
Some douglas fir self nock arrows spined into the lower 40's while using FF string.If B50 was used I would of spined them at 35#'s because of the stretch of the B50.Parabolic dyed turkey and natural goose with string serving wraps below the nocks sized with thin super glue.