Isn't hemp much lighter than polyester/etc for the same thickness? I'd like to try long strand quality hemp with Knox glue or some other more flexible glue. Maybe monofilament serving or something thick and solid to prevent kinking at the drawing point. I think I like to use masking tape :p Would I ever expect a good hemp string to last years with a 60# bow? Wonder how it compares to leather or rawhide strings..
A good thing about thick strings is that they're easier on the fingers. But I guess a thick serving can do that just as well.
I made a thin processed craft store hemp string and it broke at a loop, just under where the Turkish loop was tied to the main string with a ~35# bow. Hmm. A rather thick and overbuilt one with similar draw lasted pretty long.
Seems like silk strings were about stretchy as Dacron, and historically highly regarded. Used by Turks and Koreans in their composite bows. Non-twisted, pre-stretched Dacron/polyester strings seem just fine... I imagine it'd be the same with silk. I read of someone who built silk strings by leaving weights hanging from each strand near their breaking point to pre-stretch them. Something similar could be done with Dacron/Polyester!
Nylon is very stretchy. Not sure how to determine if a string is too stretchy, I think the most obvious way is see if you have handshock. If you don't have handshock with your strings, I'd say you're fine.