By all means go to that class! Also, proper preparation of platforms, and abrading them is of the utmost importance. And a LOT pressure applied. My flakes were not running very far, till I applied a LOT of pressure on the platforms, then gave a sideways push with my knees, now they run fairly long. Still have a ways to go in the learning process. Still in the functional use arrowhead stage, and not in the pretty stuff category yet. I would not hesitate to hunt with any of the keepers I make, but they are not show pieces like some of the stuff on here. I work with Obsidian, as it is all I have. Some day, when I have something to trade, I will trade for some Texas stuff, and try to see what I can do with that. I had a couple of pieces of it once, but it needed to be heat treated, and I didn't have anything at the time to do that with. But one day........ Good luck, and Gravel is learning. Yep tonnage is a common word in learning to knapp.