I am currently working on a maple board bow, want some advice.
Here is a pic- It is just started tilllering. I am shooting for a light bow- 35-40 pounds draw, not the current 60-70(estimate, I can barely pull it 12 inches. feels like a 65 pounder). It is 1 5/8 wide,

thick- it varies. It is made from an edge ring board bow, Maple. Not sure what species, but it is pretty soft(compared to my usual locust) and quite strong. It is also rather flexible. I think it is bending too much in the handle, want to know what you guys think. It seemed good when I floor-tillered it. I try to make my bows mildly whip-ended, for reduced handshock and good cast, with low set. I tested the full draw once,- drew it the equivalent of 20 inches and slowly released. No set whatsoever.
None. I think this is gonna be one dang good bow.
I like maple. This board is edge-ringed, 65 inches long, with a quarter-agian string( I like those more than half-agian, plus shorter(and cheaper:))
HM... Chrome is being stupid, I will have to wait to upload pics.