This past Saturday was my stone age event at my club in Deerfield, MA. We had archery, atlatl and dart, fire making, flint knapping, bolas, and slinging, cave art, with a few non-stone age stuff like catapults and crossbows tossed in for good measure. About 250 or so people attended over the course of the day. This is an event I work on all year long, and it is a huge amount of work, but so much fun. We keep the event free minus food, and have lots of instructors and monitors on hand to teach and keep things safe. As with past years, tons of kids came with their parents, including home schooled children. All equipment was provided.
Next year, I want to ramp it up, and possibly add stone ciricle building, as well as more workshops. Eventually, I want this to be a two day camping event, but taking time to get the fundamentals right is important.
Enjoy the photos.