Between the two, I prefer the hand drill now. The bow dril, though easier to learn, sees more difficult in actual practice (but like I said, I am using the finger loops). It just required a little more practice, and an up keep of callouses (the little blisters are now stiff hard callouses). But, the biggest plus is a 6" long, 1/4" thick fireboard of aspen has lasted longer than a 12" long, 1/2" bow drill fireboard- and spindles get used up even faster

. But I still need lots of practice

From my limited experience with thehand drill (so far only four coals) and bow drill (only four or five dozen coals, no where near the hundreds of those proficient in the skill) it's been pretty difficult to keep up with making new parts (drills and strings especially). It is a terrific back up, but I've fallen for the hand drill like I've fallen for D bows- simplicity wins

I love this stuff. I'm just glad I don't have to buy any more matches
