Wal, Gol Darn it Boy, you shore took yor time introducing yorself! I was just about a Frog hair from saying how rude, and crude, and down right uppity you were by not following proper protocol, and etiquette, before actually posting on here. Did you hear anyone say anything about not properly introducing yourself? You have nothing to apologize for , and like the others I too thank you for giving the future generation a feel for the real thing, and what our ancestors went to, to get us to where we are today. Like the others said I wish I had teachers like when I was a kid. Sure would have been a better class leaning about our ancestors, than sitting around scratching cuneiform in wet clay tablets......
Yeah, I wish more teachers would forgo the dumbing down of American schools, and get back to basics, like reading, writing, mathematics, and teaching the Constitution again,and teach about the real world, and not Hollywood's version of it.
Boy, there jes ain't no proper way of getting here and posting stuff ! Ya got sumptin ta say, say it! Got sumptin ta show, show it! Ain't no dues to pay, cept fer membership, and once ya got that taken care, of hit the key board, and show us what ya got, or are working on.