Hey folks,
I just cut and split a nice hackberry into quarter staves, and when I got the bark peeled off the first one I saw that there is a black spot (rot maybe? insect damage maybe?) that is maybe two inches long and about a growth ring deep. It is right smack in the middle of the stave from just about all directions. I had been planning on a 66' selfbow, but with that in the way I can't make the long, 2" wide design I wanted to try. At best, I could make a 60" bow that stops just short of that spot. I was wondering does anyone have any better ideas? Maybe a design for a short flatbow or a design idea that would allow me to work around that spot? I'm pretty new to making bows and don't want that sucker blowing up all over the place.
Other than that spot, it's a nice looking piece of wood. Couple of knots, but looks good. I want to get the others peeled and take a look at them too. If I can figure it out, I'll try and post some pictures of it if that will help. I'm pretty computer-stupid though, so it may never happen. It's a pretty good drive just for me to get someplace with internet.
I'll be checking. Thanks for any ideas!