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Announcements / Re: The return of the forum
« Last post by freke on February 02, 2025, 12:08:42 pm »
I have been member for years but not been actively posting although I  have been reading it regularly, and when I first heard the magazine was closing down and the forum as well I was really sad as this has always been the most relabel source of help and information.
Many thanks Sleek that have solved the future for this forum, I am greatful :OK

Around the Campfire / Re: Life on the Farm
« Last post by WhistlingBadger on February 02, 2025, 11:16:05 am »
I really like that, instead of the classic full draw pose, he has the archer reaching back for an arrow.  That's a great touch.
Bows / Re: Bamboo backing sapling bow
« Last post by bassman211 on February 02, 2025, 10:03:07 am »
I have only ever worked with American elm, and some very good bow builders claim Chinese elm is better for bow making. Elm is my favorite white wood, but even small knots on the bow's back can be problematic in my experience with the elm that I have used. With heavy belly heat treat you can reflex elm, and it will hold some reflex after tillering. In the past I have had failures from even small knots on the bow's back, but with a clean back it  makes a sound bow that is a good shooter. JME
Around the Campfire / Re: Life on the Farm
« Last post by Pappy on February 02, 2025, 08:39:41 am »
Wow , that’s very nice BJ. Pappy
Around the Campfire / Re: Life on the Farm
« Last post by chamookman on February 02, 2025, 04:44:44 am »
Too Kewl !  (=) Bob.
Bows / Re: Yew 5 curve
« Last post by wizardgoat on February 02, 2025, 02:46:42 am »
Hey there, shoot me an email and I can send you some pics, or answer any questions here. I haven’t spent the time to re learn how to post pics on here! I built a handful of those bows, but I assume you maybe mean the copper head one.
Around the Campfire / Re: Life on the Farm
« Last post by WhistlingBadger on February 01, 2025, 10:47:46 pm »
Wow, that is extremely cool!
Bows / Re: Dogbane-less Hickory shorty
« Last post by WhistlingBadger on February 01, 2025, 09:11:01 pm »
OK, finally stamping this project as finished.  Turned out rather nice, in spite of everything.  Pulls 14# @ 23", and really zips out some phragamite reed arrows with 60g heads and pheasant primaries, held on with elk sinew.   (SH)  Handle wrap is home-tanned elk hide, also held on with elk sinew.  Elk antler tips and arrow rests; backed with pronghorn rawhide and rattlesnake skin.

I have no use for a bow like this, and no way I can recoup anything like what this is worth, at least without putting it in an art gallery in Jackson.   ;D  So I plan to donate it to the local RMEF chapter to auction off at their local fundraising banquet this month.  Hopefully it will make some money for elk habitat and make a kid happy, too.

Should have turned the bow around so all the interesting stuff wasn't in the shadow, but I didn't feel like standing in the snow.  Will try to get some better pics later.

Don't know if you can see it, but this hickory heartwood is some gorgeous stuff.

Bows / Re: Bamboo backing sapling bow
« Last post by Hamish on February 01, 2025, 08:33:34 pm »

Heat induced reflex...  The reflexing if done 1-2" will not stop set but it will compensate for apparent set. The bow will now  perform better in cast and speed than if you hadn't reflexed it. Combine that with a deep heat treat on the reflex form, which will drive out moisture and temper the wood, giving you the best chance to minimize set during tillering.
Bows / Re: Bamboo backing sapling bow
« Last post by willie on February 01, 2025, 08:20:48 pm »
welcome Roballa

if your elm is prone to set, heatreating will help as Hamish mentioned, although perhaps he can clarify how reflexing will help reduce set also.

putting a stiffer materiel on the back (which I assume bamboo is) will actually cause more set
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