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Around the Campfire / Re: What Did You Do Today?
« Last post by bjrogg on February 03, 2025, 01:31:51 pm »
Still a long time before any mushrooms in my neck of the woods Eric. Looks good.

Primitive Skills / Re: Life is good
« Last post by bjrogg on February 03, 2025, 01:29:53 pm »
Ahh, nothing like coffee and a Monday morning Pappy update.

BJ, you gotta get down there someday and see the place for yourself. Really brings this thread to "Life". Awesome place!

Damon I’m really hoping to this trip. I have a high school buddy that is in Clarksville. It’s been a while since I visited him. Could probably see them both in same visit.

Around the Campfire / Re: Never too early to plan! OJAM!!!
« Last post by Mo_coon-catcher on February 03, 2025, 11:20:27 am »
I’m planning on being there. I’m not sure yet if I’ll head down Friday or early Saturday morning. I don’t think I’ll bring anything to work on as much as bring stuff to play with.

Bows / Re: Bamboo backing sapling bow
« Last post by superdav95 on February 03, 2025, 11:03:33 am »
Looking pretty darn good!   As for the boo backing on a sapling, I agree with hamish.  The only other thing you could try if you are wanting to keep the crowned back of the sapling is to dish out your backing strip to match very closely.  Find a boo strip that has a similar crown contour to your sapling back perhaps???  I’ve not tried this yet but it makes sense that it could work.  I’ve done some boo backing strips on smaller to medium diameter tree staves but not saplings.  I’ve always flattened them to matching boo strip and been fine.  The other issue is to ensure you trap the back when tillering and not make your strip too thick so that it overpowers the belly wood.  You will get chrystals forming in belly.  Fire hardening helps with this but wood is wood and the boo strip will overpower if too thick.  Getting the taper right is also important.  Just a few thoughts.  Best of luck
Around the Campfire / Re: What Did You Do Today?
« Last post by Eric Krewson on February 03, 2025, 10:19:43 am »
Out walking my normal exercise trail and spotted an oyster mushroom bloom, we had rain and 58-degree temps for a few days. There are more mushrooms that emerge in the winter than one would expect.

Of course I had to pick some. I sauteed the mushrooms in butter with onions, then hit them up with a splash of wine. I put the finished mushrooms on a plate of spaghetti, they were amazing.

Bows / Re: looking for some snake skin
« Last post by Pappy on February 03, 2025, 09:41:53 am »
I have 1 big one, it is 13 feet long and probably 1 1/2 wide and plan on cutting it up for bows and other projects, like you said it is like rawhide, I don't like shipping but if you get to Tennessee I would be glad to share a piece , I think if it is cut right I get get a good pattern also.  ;) :)
Bows / Re: Second junior trade is go, sign up here
« Last post by Aaron1726 on February 03, 2025, 09:28:27 am »
Bumping this one up again.

Just wanted to say that last year's was a ton of fun.  If you're on the fence just know that what ever you bring to the table is fine.  The goal here is to have fun and get to see what everyone comes up with along the way. 
Bows / Re: Bamboo backing sapling bow
« Last post by Roballa on February 03, 2025, 09:20:28 am »
Sorry - trying to get the hang of attaching pics!
Hopefully a couple more of the spotted gum bow. Rob
Bows / Re: Bamboo backing sapling bow
« Last post by Roballa on February 03, 2025, 08:51:32 am »
…and the spotted gum board bow…
Bows / Re: Bamboo backing sapling bow
« Last post by Roballa on February 03, 2025, 08:44:11 am »
Thanks everyone. Great advice! Hamish - I’m in Samford Valley, Brisbane so there are a few Chinese Elms and saplings nearby.

Regarding the reflex - as per a technique I saw online (helping a sapling to dry by thinning out the belly), I used a draw knife to take the sapling belly halfway through the thickness on each limb, sealing the back and ends and leaving the handle section full thickness. While monitoring the drying process I’ve noticed it’s naturally pulled itself into a reflex. I’ve left the width profile alone for now (while drying) to avoid twisting. Is this enough reflex and/or would you heat treat anyway to ‘lock’ it in this shape?

I’ll attach a couple of pics of the sapling back and side, and sitting on a bench showing a 1.5inch reflex bend at the handle (apologies if that’s the wrong terminology!)

I’ll also send a couple of pics of my recent spotted gum board bow and late-ish tiller…

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