Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Huaco on August 19, 2008, 02:57:39 pm

Title: Black Walnut
Post by: Huaco on August 19, 2008, 02:57:39 pm
Just curious... How is black walnut for bow-wood?  My neighbor has one that "may" need some trimming...
Would the branches be any good?
Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: Huaco on August 19, 2008, 03:00:36 pm
Oh... I should have searched first.

Nevermind... :-[
Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: DanaM on August 19, 2008, 03:04:30 pm
Never used BW but I believe it ok not great but ok. Anyway I never pass up any free wood, take it and try it :)
Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: david w. on August 19, 2008, 04:22:16 pm
makes great gun stocks too.  My house is full of black walnut my dad builds his guns from
Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: Pat B on August 19, 2008, 04:36:35 pm
I'm building a hickory black walnut bow for someone right now. This bow will be light(35#@26") but I could easily gotten a 55# bow.
  I have built self bows from BW but it was a larger stave. Make an overbuilt bow(68" long, 1 3/4" to 2" wide out and taper the last 8" to 3/8" tips). If you use a limb mark the top of the limb. That is the tension side and that should be the back of your bow. Just peal the bark off and mark out your bow.    Pat
Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: tom sawyer on August 19, 2008, 05:08:47 pm
Black walnut is light so don't push it with the design.  And branches might not have much heartwood, in fact it takes a pretty decent size tree before you get much heartwood, in the ones growing around here.  I think you can use the sapwood though.
Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: Pat B on August 19, 2008, 05:40:06 pm
Lennie, On all of the self bow of BW I've made they were all sapwood with a bit of heartwood in the handle.     Pat
Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: acker on August 19, 2008, 05:57:47 pm
Black Walnut is a realy nice wood to build a bow from but it is not good for strong bows.
Take a look here:

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Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: acker on August 19, 2008, 06:06:33 pm
1st  photo is the back,
2nd photo the belly.
The bow wasn`t finished as I shoot the photos.The collores of the wood are great and the different look between the heart and the sapwood couldn`t be better. I like that wood.
Gruß Acker

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Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: acker on August 19, 2008, 06:11:54 pm
and  another picture

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Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: david w. on August 19, 2008, 06:55:19 pm
black walnut is beautiful wood.  I like the contrast between the haeart and sapwood. 

I use black walnut on bows i make built up handles on
Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: sailordad on August 19, 2008, 07:03:21 pm

thas an awesome looking bow

ive waiting for fall to caom,my SNAP ON TOOLS rep is going to cut me limb of his tree for bow wood,its about 35 ft long and about 10-12 " in diam

man those pics make me want to go cut it for him alot earlier,but i'll wait since hes just giving me the BW for free.

Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: acker on August 19, 2008, 07:27:03 pm
@ Sailordad: Thank you! yeah its a nice wood and easy to work with too.But I wouldn`t build a selfbow much over 50# out of it.The one showed has around 48# @ 30" 1,8m N-N  and is quit fast.

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Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: sailordad on August 19, 2008, 07:36:16 pm
50 lbs works for me

i dont like my bows any heavier than that, 20+ years of wrenching and my shoulders wont let me pull much more than that any how.

when i get the BW limb and its all processed and dried,i was thinking a matched set of target bows for me and my awesome wife of 20 yrs,with rattle snake skin grips.

besides, a well place arrow from 50lb bow kills a deer or turkey just as dead as a well placed arrow from a 70lb bow,plus i can shoot more of them before my shoulders give out lol

Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: acker on August 19, 2008, 07:49:00 pm
@ Sailordad:  ;D ;D ;D
You gona get your fun with that wood. I was realy glad to get it because, Black-Walnut is not commen over here in Germany -a carpenter next door had a bit of it and he is a nice guy, so he gave it to me as a gift.
Well I fixed his heatingsystem ;)
Gruß Acker
Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: sailordad on August 19, 2008, 07:53:55 pm
ya BW is hard to come by here also,atleast a tree with any size to it.

i know another guy whos got about a 30" BW in his front yard,some cabinet maker stopped by and offerd him $20,000 for the entire tree.
he siad nope,i'll wait untill its bigger.

not sure if he meant the tree or the offer
Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: DirtyDan on August 19, 2008, 08:51:30 pm
Yep, stick with the basic whitewood principle, and you will be all right.  Just take off the bark and let that be the back of the bow.  The heartwood is much prettier, but it just won't hold up.  If you want something really pretty, however, make a bamboo-backed walnut bow using the heartwood.  Not only is the color contrast outstanding, the bow performs very well.

Title: Re: Black Walnut
Post by: Pappy on August 20, 2008, 06:50:22 am
Sailordad send that guy my way,I have a bunch of BW on my farm,it get pretty high sometime but not near that high. :) I have made a few from the sap wood that turned out OK,That was
when I first started so i would say you could make a really good one if you treat it right.Didn't
know much about it then and they shot so that says a lot about the wood cause I broke a lot back then.  ;) ;D