Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Pat B on August 14, 2008, 11:56:04 pm
Look what the archery fairy brought me today. ;D He came by my house disguised as a USPS worker. Actually, Dano sent this beautiful Mulberry, R/D bow! She is 60" n/n, 50#@28". Dano told me she was made with sister billets with natural r/d. The tip overlays look like cocabola. The leather handle wrap is tailor fit with hand stitching down the back but also "fitting" stitching on the belly side. She has a leather arrow shelf.
I was gonna shoot her this afternoon but instead I put up a tree stand. ;D I will shoot her tomorrow and report back. ;) Thanks my friend. She will grace my modest collection! 8)...but not just as a wall hanger. ;) Pat
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Pat, I cant think of anyone who deserves it more.
Dano, is that the one that slaps your arm really bad every time you shoot? ;D Justin
I'm glad you like it Pat, I hope you shoot it well.
Justin, nope this is a bow that likes to pull whiskers. >:D
Nice bow Dano..Pat you lucky dog....Brian
Very nice bow,your a lucky man Pat to have friends like that.Well deserved I am sure.That
should get it done. :)
That's a good looking bow Dano...
Pat... what goes around, comes seems. ;)
Very nice bow, Dano.
Congrats, Pat.
Very nice bow! It looks like it's just begging to go deer hunting :D
Fine bow! How is the strike plate done? Is the leather bevelled all around the edges? What glue was used? It almost looks inlaid, very nice.
Lennie, The strike plate looks like cordovan leather glued flat to the strike area. The arrow rest is a heavy leather wedge glued to the side of the bow with the handle wrap over it.
wow dano very nicely done. beautiful bow. gonna have to try mulberry sometime soon. makes a rite purty bow.
Nice. Dang Dano, I ain't seen a bow you make in a hell of a spell. Turned out sweet. I bet it makes cast like a house afire. I love mulberry, light as a feather but resilient as all get out. Kinda reminds me of elm or hackberry, but with more "wood" in it.
Thanks ya'll, mulberry is great to work with. It does surprize ya how light it is yet is pretty snappy. Yeah the strike plate is cordovan leather skived on the edges so it lays flat, I use contact cement. David I have been a bow makin fool this year, just haven't showed much. Been playin with little bendy handle "D" bows, Man!! they are fun, I'll post the one I'm working on now soon, they flat smoke an arra, just gotta get a handle area I like yet.
Dano, Is this FF string on this bow or just thin dacron? Pat
It's FF.
fine looking venison getter there... love the knocks.. Hawk
Dano - get PB to crank this fine bow back to FD so it can be listed for August Self BOM
Hey, Dano... buddy, pal, friend... yah! Maybe the UPS fairey could visit my house too?
Don, if it is OK with Dano I'll get a FD pic for you. ;) Pat
Just this once.
I don't know if the archery fairy will accept teeth like the tooth fairy, but I'm more than willing to try for a bow like that!
nice bow sir...hope you get yourself some meat.....i wish the archery fairy knew
Sweet bow! I don't know anyone who deserves such a swet bow more, Pat :)!
Great bow Dano. Pat your a lucky man.
Looks like the perfect hunting bow to me Pat. Ain't it nice to be loved ;D
Mighty nice of you Dano, I tip my hat to ya! Saw Filer
Like every one else said. Beautiful bow, awsome gift, and nobody more deserving. Dana I tip my hat to ya also. Kenneth
I got to shoot her today. Boy does she zing an arrow. The arrows I shot were a set I made back in '03. POC with rawhide spined reinforced self nocks and weigh between 480 and 511grs. I have a few set up with WW broadheads and one with stone. 8)
Dano, I am totally pleased with this beauty. She's a keeper!!! ;) Pat
ps. We had out of town company this weekend so I didn't take any more pics. I'll get a full draw pic tomorrow. ;)
Better late than never!!! ;D ::) Here is a braced pic and a full draw pic of this sweet little mulberry bow. It feels so light in hand you wouldn't believe it would shoot so well. 8) Thanks again Dano. I owe ya one my friend!!! ;) Pat
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;D Sweet bow Dano! Did you trade for a top secret lemonade recipe? 8)
Pat, I'd get them outer limbs bending better and you might have a decent bow, ;D
You know it Rich!! 8)
I like her just the way she is, Dano.
Rich, been there, done that!!! :o