Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: OldBow on July 20, 2008, 02:02:49 am
60" NtN, 52#@ 25.5"
5/8" @ tips overlaid with 1/4 sawed Coast Fir
1 1/4" at flares
Modified flat belly
Chokecherry harvested via canoe on Clark Fork River in 2006 and backed with resawed red oak
Constructed from billets
Handle is gator from Eddie Parker aka mullet (this is the one that bit you, I think >:D)
Handle is built up with hickory, ash, oak and other scraps
A little too much reflex in right limb
Stained with a variety of stains and finished with spar varnish
Very fast at 26.5"
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Interesting combo of woods Don, looks to be a nice bow and gotta love that grip :)
Old Bow I really like the grip,interesting wood combo. is chokecherry nice to work with?Nice lookin bow!.-Hammertime
Really nice profile Don. Good backing choice I'd say.
Very nice bow Don, profile looks great and love the tips. I would not have thought about fir as tip overlays. I may have to try that some time. Keenan
Don, what a beautiful looking bow. Congrats!!!
Another beauty Don.Nice job on that one. :) You draw about like me. :)
Nice looking bow Don.
If you get the mid limbs working a little more it would probally help with that stacking feeling your getting and allow you to get her back to full draw. jmo
My brother-in-law cranked this bow way back so I did a new full draw.
Nice looking bow. I wondered if choke cherry would work for a bow. Do you know if it has to be backed or can choke cherry last unbacked?
Most of the members of the rose family, ie., chokecherry, hawthorn, service berry can be "stand alone" bow wood. None of it is as good as osage, hickory, ash, etc.
So, even though I have lots of bows from this group, I don't spend all that time on them without backing them.
Fine looking bow, Don. I always enjoy seeing your work with non-mainstream materials, and you always seem to end up with a great looking finished product.
:) Good looking one Don nice job
Looking good Don. Does it have any hand shock? Justin
hey oldbow your bow is looking great, is this your first attempt at a glue -up?
Really nice looking bow Don.
Beautiful bow Don, I never thought about using something like choke cherry. Is that kind of a deflex reflex design unstrung? lloks really cool. Danny
Really nice bow and thats a really cool combo :)
I like the look's of this bow..very nice..
very nice, love the coloring! great profile too.
Don...that looks mighty fine! I like that pic of ya scraping wood by the fire. Nice tiller!
Wow, I just got home today, and going over everything I've missed. The internet has been intermittant where I was at.
Don, I forgot all about that Old Gator. You've had that hide for a long time. I never saw choke cherry big enough to make a bow, but that sure is a good looking one. I'll never forget the look on the wife's face when I talked her into eating a small handfull of them.