Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Ranger B on June 15, 2008, 11:51:55 pm
Miss Copperhead is made of Osage with Copperhead Skins. She is 66" nock to nock and pulls 57# @ 27"
I used deer antler on the tips. This bow has the most curve in the tips that I've done so far. Hope you like her.
Ranger B (Jimmy)
well, Ranger B...are you sure it's finished? It's not too late to even out the tiller: the upper limb doesn't bend enough, in my opinion...You would have to settle for a few pounds lost in weight, but the force would be delivered to the arrow more evenly, and might result in a better shooting bow.
I agree with Scott. Looks like a hinge right at the upper limb fade, and again at the top recurve. The mid section of the top limb is very flat.
Yep...I have to agree....seems to be bending a lot by the knot in the Top Limb...and not enough in the Mid Limb area....a very nice looking Bow...but I would address the Limb so I could have the Bow around for a Long Time
Yep, she needs to bend a little more from the horses lower jaw down to the brass tag on the picture. Saw Filer
well said!
won't take long, either...maybe half an hour...come on, man!
even the bottom limb: from the lower trim on the mantle to the top of the fireplace grate, in the lower picture...
I have to agree with the rest, looks like a few scrapes will fix it up, sometimes its hard to tell in a picture what the
tiller really looks like especially a character stave. The unbraced profile looks to be excellent and I like the copperhead skins Jimmy.
Ok I've worked on it some more. I see what you guys are saying on the upper limb but now my measurements are getting a bit off. Take a look and these two pics and I appreciate any feedback.
How does the bow look when you flip it upside down. If the limbs are the same length this is an option I use sometimes to keep from loosing poundage and minimize scraping to get a bow in tiller. You could also cut an inch or more off the lower limb to get some positive tiller on the top limb but this might compromise you snake skin length.
One of the bow making gurus said I was a disgrace to the true art of bow making for using such tactics.
I build bows with what I call "Eric's goof proof method". This amounts to anticipating the normal anomalies we find in bow making and having a plan to correct them built into the bow from the start.
You posted just before me. Your bow looks much better now.
Tiller looks much better now. Nice job! I LOVE those copperhead skins man, gorgeous bow!
Since I learned "the hard way" when tillering once before, I highly recommend taking a picture @ full draw and then overlaying an ellipse in WORD or PowerPoint to determine any more tiller tweaks. I did that with your last pic and it looks really solid!
BTW - Did you notice any less handshock after the tiller adjustment?
Congrats!!! Joe
That's turned into a fine lookin bow Jimmy - even better now :). Man, I gotta lay hands on some copperheads - dead one's ;D.
A little advise from the forum has really shaped up this fine bow. We'll look at it again for June Self BOM.
Beautiful recurve, Ranger. You got those tips bending nicely. I love copperhead skins on bows but watch out for Brown Thrashers and other ground birds. I was run out of my tree stand 2 evenings in a row by a Brown Thrasher while hunting with a copperhead skinned bow a few years back. :o Pat
Thanks all. It's far from perfect but I don't know if even the best every truly satisfy themselves. I still have plenty of room to grow but each time I try to get a little bit better and do more on my own. I wasn't able to get over to see Pappy and Greg much so this one was pretty much entirely on my own. The big knot gave me some challenges on this one. It gives somewhat of a visual illusion.
I love the copperhead skins as well, in fact, I think I like them better than rattlers. The color really works well with Osage. I had to work the internet to find two big enough but I finally found a fellow on the Leatherwall that had some.
I have a stave of Hackberry drying in my garage now so it will be my next project. It was cut about 5 months ago so I need to take it over to Pappy's and put it in the hot box.
Again, thanks for all the feedback.
looking real nice ranger, i am not personally a fan of skins, but those copperheads do look very nice, nice job- Ryan
You did a great job on the tiller. The skins are definitely pretty. Justin
Looks like to me you followed some good advice and have a better tillered bow and some good experience as a result. It should make you a fine hunting bow! ;)
See you soon!
Looks real good Jimmy. Man, I bet you payed a premium for those skins. I had doubts about the tiller being off after looking at the crook in the upper limb, but you did real good following everybodies advice. Pretty bow.
Looks much better now,You take advice very well.Good job Jimmy.You back in town yet ?
We are going to do a thing up in Ashland city Sat. if you are interested just let me know. :)
By the way the finish work on the bow looks great,got to love Copper heads,that is about all I like about them,but the do look good on a bow. ;)
Thanks Pappy. I am back in town but this Thr - Sat I am doing a Pioneer Trek. My wife and I will be a Ma and Pa for 10 kids...5 boys and 5 girls. We will all be dressed in 1850s attire and pulling handcarts with all our provisions. It's at land between the lakes. There are about 100 of us total involved in one way shape or form. Our church puts this on and it really teaches the teenagers a lot about themselves.
I'll be over to visit next week in the afternoon and I'll bring the bow for a final inspection.
Cool,That is what we are doing Ashland city.Pre. 1850 event.See ya in a few days. :)