Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: clintw864 on June 04, 2008, 05:20:35 pm
What's the procedure for applying fresh snake skin as backing? Thaanks, Clint
Clint, If they are dry, rehydrate them in warm water. When pliable roll them in paper towel to remove the excess water then size them with glue(I use TBIII) and the back of each limb(one at a time) and lay the skins(again one at a time) on the limb and work out the wrinkles, bubbles and excess glue. Depending on the skins, if they are limp you may not have to wrap them but if the skins are thicker, wrap them with strips of thin cloth or an ace bandage for a few hours. After that time you can remove the wraps, trim off the excess skin around the edges and let the bow sit for at least a few days, a week is better, to let them cure out and to let the moisture that was introduced to the wood from the glue dissipate. Pat
Once you find a snake that is willing to give up it's skin for your probect how do you process the skins? Do you use them green or do they have to be tanned?
Thanks, TC
Use them green or dried. You don't want to use tanned skins but I know some have. It has been my experience that tanned skins will attract moisture. Dried skins and green [basically dried when bow is ready for finish]will be sealed thoroughly after you add a finish. Pat
Ok, so i kill a couple skin them out. What's next? Do I tack them out and let them dry,salt them or what?
Thanks, TC
1. Kill snake. I only kill copperheads.
2. Skin Snake
3. Flesh skin with spoon after attaching skin to board (get all the meat off). Some will trim the belly skin off now.
I then spray with a little windex to keep the bugs off and let it dry for a day or two..
Roll it up and put it in the freezer until you are ready to apply to a bow. (I do it just like Pat)
Hope that helps.
Tack them to a board, flesh side out and let them dry. A staple gun works well for this. Some folks put their skins out in dirrect sunlight to dry. I haven't but I'm sure it will work. Be sure all the flesh and fat are off of the skin before drying it. You can do this after you tack it to the board. I don't like to use salt because you have to be sure to get it all out of the skin or it will attract moisture.
If you prefer to use them green, roll them up and place them in a baggy in the freezer until you are ready to use them.
Depending on your weather, your skins could be dry in a few hours or a day or so.
ps. Thats a beauty, Lost Arra. Pat
You guys forgot to add,
Rub thorughly with chicken or pork rub, or seasoning of choice grill for about 15 minutes on medium heat, serve with rice or favorite side dish. ;D
Dano: you need to come in from that Nevada sun ;D
;D ::) Thanks Bob
Thanks for the help, especially for the pics. Clint
L.A. ....Thats a hell of a Hole in that little Bugger....what did you do shoot it???
We had a bunch of copperheads around here last summer, all 24-30"
I unknowingly walked right by that particular snake 3 times while pulling arrows from a target.
Their camo is unbelievable on leafy ground and he was even coiled up.
I shot it with my bow so it would be pinned to the ground while I walked back to the house for the decapitator (shovel).
I was hoping for a head shot with the arrow but with him coiled up even the slightest miss was a gut shot.
The best way too do it , is too skin it with a pair of scissors and then you can leave the belly skin on the carcess, you dont need it anyway, then put the fresh skin right on the bow , if you cant do it that way then just flesh it and roll it up and put it in the freezer, USE it green, you dont have to tack it out. waste of time. Take out of the freezer and thaw and apply to the back of the bow . its very simple. I always size the back and then just put it on. and wrap it with anything to hold it in place until it dries. Trapper
Thanks for the answers and the pics. I have a bow waiting on skins, does any body have any the would like to turn loose? Copper heads only.
Thanks, Tim C.