Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Muskyman on July 10, 2024, 03:26:48 pm
I know it will darken over time but anyone ever stain their Osage bows?
I’ve got some walnut stain I made last year that’s not real dark.
Anyone? What did you use?
I have used homemade walnut stain. You can also use aniline dye.
On this one, I was feeling very lazy and just smeared walnut hulls on the back. The grip is walnut bark, which looks better than it feels unfortunately...I took it off after shooting the bow for a while.
I've used Fiebings leather dye on osage with good results. I think it is an aniline dye.
if you want it to look darkened and old ammonia fuming is probably the thing for you.
try a search in previous post or google "bow making ammonia fuming"
or you may try iron acetate (some old iron scraps put in vinaigre for enough time) that react with wood tannins givin dark colouring
If your wood does not have enough tannins you may paint it with tea before applying iron acetate. Tea will give all the tannins needed
Wipe household ammonia on your wood and it will darken instantly.
I build flintlock rifles, we commonly use a ferric nitrate stain on maple to bring out the figure in the wood, I tried it on several bow woods to see what happened. This stain is applied wet, allowed to dry and heated to cause the stain to react with tannins in the wood to produce the final color.
Hickory, a very pleasing color;
Osage light coat; I think, this may be a picture of osage with the the stain just applied before I blushed it with heat, I don't remember.
Osage heavy coat, blushed with heat.
Thanks for the info. I’ll definitely have to try some sample pieces and see if I like any of them. I’m getting to the point where I’m either going to have to stain it or put the tru oil on it.
I had some fiebings dye so I tested it on a piece and it looked okay so I stained a little bow I’ve been fooling with. Also put a jute handle on it. Turned out okay.
Looks good!
4th coat of tru-oil Tru-oil really shows any tool marks or imperfections. This is a backup bow I have been working on for the junior bow trade. My trade bow is still in the works.
I think it’s about 65 inches long and 45-46 lbs. shoots pretty good, seems fairly fast. I’m going to stain the jute handle wrap and put a Massey finish on it
If the trade bow fails I’ll send this one to my recipient.
Here’s a question. Do you hit your bow with steel wool after your last coat of tru-oil.
I like the color Osage turns with age and light exposure. Haven't got a picture...
This one is 20 years old