Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: Pat B on May 05, 2024, 08:18:26 pm

Title: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: Pat B on May 05, 2024, 08:18:26 pm
Post them if you got them.
 Unfortunately I was unable to go. A good friend in Savannah passed away last week so I headed east to Savannah instead of west to Twin Oaks. I'm jonesing so I need to look at pics of the friends, fun and food.
Title: Re: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 06, 2024, 11:26:16 pm
Know that you were truly missed, but no one faults you for the choice you made. Let me add my condolences to the many you have received already.

Sorry I am not posting a pic or two. I hardly took any at all. Fair chance this was to be my last Classic and I felt it was important to be fully in the moment. I did take a short video clip and sent it to Del the Cat just to put a thistle in his litterbox.
Title: Re: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: Pat B on May 07, 2024, 01:17:50 am
I'm sorry I missed seeing you, John. The last time was when Del came, wasn't it?  I don't blame you for not taking pics. The Classic can be pretty fulfilling and overwhelming.
Title: Re: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: Gaur on May 08, 2024, 07:20:52 am
Sorry to miss you Pat B.  Also sorry you lost a close friend.
Great meeting you JW .  Also first time meeting Eddie Parker in person.

I made a bunch of pizzas on my wood fired stove that I give away. Buying friendships one pizza at a time.   Didn’t get to making any bows and I tend to stay too busy talking.  I had my son Daniel with and helped get the Parker’s there as James truck is “done” as James would say
I could post some pictures but it’s been a while since I’ve been on here so have forgotten how that is done
Title: Re: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: Gaur on May 08, 2024, 07:26:39 pm
Had fun hanging out with Jessie this year
Title: Re: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: Pat B on May 09, 2024, 12:04:39 pm
Gaur, did you make a roadkill whistle pic pizza this year? It was a hit last year.  :OK
Title: Re: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: Gaur on May 09, 2024, 11:35:03 pm
I failed to secure whistle pig prior to the event.  But made some smoked venison front shoulder with wild Ramps pizza.  Must have made about 40 .  Mostly on wed and Thursday.  Jessie cut me some standing dogwood and we had the thermometer pegged.  Must have been 1000 F and they were flying out of there every 2 min
Title: Re: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 10, 2024, 12:00:25 am
I failed to secure whistle pig prior to the event.  But made some smoked venison front shoulder with wild Ramps pizza.  Must have made about 40 .  Mostly on wed and Thursday.  Jessie cut me some standing dogwood and we had the thermometer pegged.  Must have been 1000 F and they were flying out of there every 2 min

I got a little 'za early one morning, but I have no idea what it was made of, nor do I seem to have given a tinker's whistle what it may have or have not been.
Title: Re: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: Pappy on May 10, 2024, 08:17:19 am
Thanks Gaur for helping keep people feed early in the week, much appreciated , also our conversations , although short still very enjoyable.  :) Your son was good help also when I needed him, fine young man.  :)
Title: Re: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: Gaur on May 10, 2024, 03:10:37 pm
You and the members put on another great event Pappy.  Was my 4th straight year since moving to NC
Title: Re: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: mullet on May 10, 2024, 05:21:49 pm
I had a great time as usual, didn't realize it had been 7 years since the last time I was at the Classic. Thanks for everything Pappy, especially not having to haul a tent. Good to see old Dapper (JW) Dan again, what you mean the last time you'll be there?
  Randy, it was great meeting you in person finally and hope to get you and James down load up on Catfish.
And want to Thank RyanO for donating that Sweet bow to the raffle table that I was lucky enough to win.
Thanks to Pappy and The Twin Oaks Crew For a nother great Classic!
Title: Re: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: YosemiteBen on May 26, 2024, 01:27:38 am
Well dag nab it! the TNC falls at a time when I teach at a nother skills camp! this year I had aver a dozen different kanppers in my pit over three days! Perhaps, one of these days!
Title: Re: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: Parnell on June 05, 2024, 11:04:35 pm
Hi Pat,

Sorry for the delay.  Was missing you.
Took more videos than pictures but here are a couple.  Angie had a great time and was able to shoot the course for the first time.  Loved seeing that!

I’ll try to screenshot some others.
Title: Re: Post Tenn.Classic pics here
Post by: Parnell on June 05, 2024, 11:19:26 pm
Seems the site won’t take the video screenshots…too large.