Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: simk on April 25, 2023, 12:55:37 pm

Title: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn WORMHOLE
Post by: simk on April 25, 2023, 12:55:37 pm
Hi All  :)

Another great piece of hungarian osage orange from my friend wolfgang gailer. I love yew but osage somehow isn't bad either 😅

Greetings from Appenzell

Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn
Post by: simk on April 25, 2023, 12:56:38 pm
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn
Post by: simk on April 25, 2023, 01:01:03 pm
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn
Post by: simk on April 25, 2023, 01:02:06 pm
thanks for watching
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn
Post by: wooddamon1 on April 25, 2023, 01:30:22 pm
Very nice work!
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn
Post by: Will B on April 25, 2023, 03:08:36 pm
Beautiful bow!  Love the hollow limb on this character Osage. Great work Simon!
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn
Post by: Hamish on April 25, 2023, 07:57:27 pm
Yep, that is a beautiful job.
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn
Post by: Pappy on April 26, 2023, 07:40:50 am
Beautiful bow as usual, ;) I love the way you left the sap wood in the handle area with the worm hole tracks, at least I think that is what that is ? if not it looks good any way , if it is it is even cooler.  :) The finish work is exceptional in all aspects.  :)
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn
Post by: PaSteve on April 26, 2023, 08:27:34 am
Classy looking bow. Very well done. I like those hollow limbs, too.
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn
Post by: bentstick54 on April 26, 2023, 09:22:13 am
Awesome looking bow as usual. Like everything about it
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn
Post by: Stixnstones on April 26, 2023, 09:41:24 am
Amazing bow, great work
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn
Post by: superdav95 on April 26, 2023, 10:34:11 am
That’s a stunning bow.  That must have been a challenging build.  You executed it well.   Very nice indeed. 
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn
Post by: simk on April 26, 2023, 03:15:22 pm
thanx guys!

actually the good thing about osage is you can make any bow from a nice piece - along the way it will talk to you loud and and precisly, guiding you the way to the desired result. never you have to be afraid it would let you down. Every time I make a bow from it I'm astonished in how strong and tough this wood is. I will remain a yew-fanboy but osage is unbeatable in these aspects imho.

thanks Pappy - alomos forgot about the wormhole accents   :) I will call it "wormhole" from now on.

it's not full hollow limb PaSteve - only tillered with the goosneckscraper and a little extra-scallopped towards the grip. I'd say when a rectangular cross section is best for a flat back, this one is best for a slightly crowned piece of wood.


Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn WORMHOLE
Post by: Selfbowman on April 26, 2023, 04:46:38 pm
Simon that’s a real nice recurve. Well done.
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn WORMHOLE
Post by: ssrhythm on April 26, 2023, 04:51:06 pm
Where is the drool emoji?  Very nice!
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn WORMHOLE
Post by: Buckskinner on April 27, 2023, 08:12:35 am
Love it.  BOM???
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn WORMHOLE
Post by: Muskyman on April 27, 2023, 10:08:11 am
Great looking bow Simk, as usual. Every time you post a full draw picture I always find myself looking at the landscape in the background and thinking, this guy has a great view out his window.
Love the character in that bow.
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn WORMHOLE
Post by: Badger on April 27, 2023, 02:24:57 pm
Good looking bow tried and true design. Doesn't look like it took any set, that seems to be the best determiner of performance, other features being equal.
Title: Re: 48# @ 28" Deflex/Reflex 61"ntn WORMHOLE
Post by: M2A on April 29, 2023, 07:42:10 am
That one sure has some character. Great work. Spot on tiller like always.