Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Juan Ant. Espinosa on April 07, 2023, 03:26:18 am
I use to make deep handles but at the same time I make them thin.At the last one that helped me to steam it and properly center the string.
But I´ve notice (or maybe it´s just a false sensation) that when I was shooting it while ending with the tillering process, still with fat handle, the bow was vibrating a little less.
Do you think it makes any sense?.
Thanks for your Answer, Del.
I´ll try to change my handles adding more weight.
While that is true, if you are having a concerning level of vibration/hand shock for an average bow, the issue is more likely with another aspect of the bow like the tiller or mass distribution.
Yes Ryan I agree. Keep the mid limb out as light as possible for fast smooth bows.
some bows that dont have a handle or bend in handle, shoot smooth,,
some bows that dont have a handle or bend in handle, shoot smooth,,
I agree Brad but I bet the outer limbs are low in mass.
It's not a good general rule. Thick handles, thin handles, and bendy handles can all shoot smoothly. If your bow has hand shock, it's usually got something to do with the tiller or mass placement.
True leave to much on the outer limbs and you have a slow shocky bow. You have more on one limb than the other you have a shocky bow. You have hinge in one side you have a shocky bow. You have perfect diminishing mass you have a smooth shooting bow . You hold a bend in the handle bow in the wrong place you have a shocky bow. Lots of reasons for shock. A heavier handle does absorb shock but does not prevent it.
True leave to much on the outer limbs and you have a slow shocky bow. You have more on one limb than the other you have a shocky bow. You have hinge in one side you have a shocky bow. You have perfect diminishing mass you have a smooth shooting bow . You hold a bend in the handle bow in the wrong place you have a shocky bow. Lots of reasons for shock. A heavier handle does absorb shock but does not prevent it.
I agree. Getting those limbs to be in balance will eliminate a lot of handshock too. That involves a good tiller mostly.
Hey, thanks for all these replies! Lots of things to learn in them.
Now that I have carved the handle it is actually not a specially vibrating bow... just the normal I always found in my bows. But I was paying atention at the fact it was a little less with the bulky handle.
Even if hand shock is not the problem in that bow/s, I tink would be nice to experiment placing some more mass at the handle area to see...