Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Muzzleloaders => Topic started by: BowEd on January 10, 2022, 03:07:25 pm

Title: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 10, 2022, 03:07:25 pm
I had an antlerless tag to fill here yet in the late muzzle loader season.[Dec. 20th to Jan.10th]Winter had finally arrived with colder temps [low teens to below 0 F.] and around 10" of snow.Managed to get out quite a few times when it was'nt too windy.
Showed my Johnny Brown Hawken I used earlier,but will show it later again on this post with a link.
The bucks were still chasing yearlings around occasionally.I passed on a number of bucks and yearlings.The yearlings were pretty good sized already though with another 2 months of growth put on them.They'll have smaller heads than the older does.They all looked in fine shape.
Finally a good sized older doe gave me a shot late in the day.I was confident of the shot.Watched her run maybe 30 yards and stop while the others completely cleared out of the area.Stood there quite a few minutes and could see she was hurt bad by her body language.Could see also a lot of blood showing underneath her on the snow.She gingerly walked 50 more yards and laid down.I could see blood coming out of her mouth as she walked and knew the lungs were hit good.I continued to sit tight and watch.In a few minutes she got up and gingerly walked another 30 to 40 yards and laid down again.By now she was a good 80 yards from my stand and I decided to climb down quietly.Go to the house/clean the gun/warm up and go out later to find her.
Not so.These deer that just lay themselves down instead of crashing down uncontrollably tend to not die as quickly.A good blood trail was left from where she had been laying as she had gotten up again and walked quite a ways farther maybe 80 yards stopping along the way over a little crest of a hill  moving into the bottom towards the wash.I stopped at the crest of that hill and saw her and a small group of deer with her in that bottom.The deer with her seen me and high tailed it on out of there leaving her stand by herself.
I decided to walk on out of there as it was beginning to get dark and return the next morning to follow the rest of the trail.Robin got hepped up and wanted to help too.We trailed another 80 yards or so across the wash and found her.I found her and it pissed Robin off.We can get competitive about such things.Shed hunting too.Glad she was there to help yank this doe out though.
We drug this doe out with a gadget I made years ago just for dragging does out.Makes pulling these deer out with no horns a lot easier.A foot long hedge stick with two 1/2" holes drilled through it/Eight foot of 1/2" rope/and a 3/8" slat of wood with two 1/2" holes drilled into it for a binding slider.Simply put the loop created and put it around the deers' head and slide the slider up tight, It won't move.
Big doe like I thought.Around 160 pounds.
Well that's the end of my deer season.4 deer and well over 250 pounds of deer meat.Where's the expensive beef?....In the grocery store.....ha ha.That oughta last us a while.I'm going to bring 15 to 20 pounds of summer sausage to an older couple in town.Nice people.We have a lot in common.
It was a good shot like I thought.Took the lungs out.You can see the exit hole behind her right elbow.Clicking on the picture will enlarge the picture.At least it does on my computer.
You can see compared to the buck I shot exit hole with a broadhead well over an inch wide and this doe with a round ball 1/2" wide hole blood does not exit near as freely all because the hole is so much smaller.The damage a broadhead does to the vitals is a lot more also.
Blood trailing muzzle loader shot deer at times can be more difficult than broadhead shot deer.

Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: JB G on January 10, 2022, 03:31:43 pm
Look out Ed. They moved HH’s thread because rules say “ has to be Primitve Achery” rule #3 here within this hunting thread, no warnings, even got an email to correct it. I did and after PatB still moved the thread.

You may not like it  (as i was told in pm) but They may move your entire thread to ML thread or Around the Campfire.

Big Ol Girl. I like size of those hams.

Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: mullet on January 10, 2022, 06:09:13 pm
Yep! your right, Shawn.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: JB G on January 10, 2022, 06:18:34 pm
I am not Shawn, bud.

Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 10, 2022, 06:21:13 pm
Mullet you better go back and move other muzzle loader shot deer posted in the shooting and hunting threads back in 2017 and 2018 then.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: JB G on January 10, 2022, 06:39:00 pm
Patb couldnt resist messing with Shawn. He always checks his thread every-other day Ed. He did not have the gumption to moves yours and called in the Mullet.

Coulda just have left well enough alone. every rule in every section is almost same!! rule # 3! Must have something to do Primitive Archery. So, you could move things in threads going backs years that are about Steel, building anything but arrows, shafts, feathers, points, bows or strings.

Checks that rule Ed.

Jb G
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 10, 2022, 07:03:18 pm
Fine but way back then there was no muzzle loader thread.There was in 2017 and 2018.In fact back to Dec. of 2016.Incompetency with a capital I.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: JB G on January 10, 2022, 07:24:40 pm
The Mods have a bunch of work to do to be fair and equitable now i would say. Lot of threads all over that prolly must go in Campfire or get removed.

I got a message to fix the thread for Shawn , i did and Patb went and moved it the entire thing. Maybe What Shawn warned me about is right on target?

Jb G
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 10, 2022, 07:31:19 pm
It's bias & opinionated and not ruled on the same playing field in my case.
If they don't respond I'll delete everything that I contributed to this site....period.I'll give them 3 days to get this right.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: JB G on January 10, 2022, 07:41:16 pm
That sux Mr EdYou should contact Patb or other Mods. If Pappy goes your route there wont be anything left here to see.

Send me you contact info in a pm Ed!

Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 10, 2022, 08:00:02 pm
Clickiest incompetent members of these so called moderators I've ever seen.My personal message box for advice is at least 6 pages worth with no repeats.Dozens and dozens of different members.Like I said 3 days with an apology.
I'll get you my email bud.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: mullet on January 10, 2022, 09:46:25 pm
Tell you what, Ed, Sorry no apology from me, instead I'll go back through every thread and remove all of the kills from muzzle loaders.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 10, 2022, 10:37:34 pm
Tell you what Mullet.....It's good you realized you acted before you thought things through now.An admission of your incompetence and bias.Sorry for not apologizing???How ignorant is that?Whether your big enough to apologize or not or even have the capacity to know leaves room for you to grow as a person yet.
Don't overwork yourself now.All you have to do is move 3 threads.2 in 2017 and 1 in 2018.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: JB G on January 10, 2022, 10:43:37 pm
Plenty of non-rule #3 in all sections. Gonna be busy Mullet! Be easier rewrite rules or  start over with clear concise specific rules for each sub section. Just a thought as your cleaning up Patb mess.


Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 11, 2022, 12:49:32 am
Mullet..... I'll give you a job since it's your responsibility for this.I've been told to speak to a supposed moderator to get this done.I want you to delete everything that I've contributed on this site.On all the threads.Every last one.That will take you a while,and don't worry I'll point out ones you missed or you might have a way of deleting in a more broad spectrum way of someones' account.Either way I've had enough of this hypocritical circus.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: Pappy on January 11, 2022, 08:32:39 am
Sorry to hear that Ed, I don't quite understand what the problem is ? I always love your post and love chatting back and forth on things we have in common, self bows/Dogs/hide work and brain tanning, your in put and knowledge always impresses me. As far as moving your thread , it has always been the the upper section of the hunting forum for self bows kills, the lower section for other hunts/glass bows/rifles and ML  and talking shooting yes we have missed a few over the years but I assure you it was not because of any bias on our part, we are human and miss stuff and make mistakes, wished you could understand that. As far as me leaving as JB G suggested , that ant going to happen, do I get offended from time to time,Yes but I try hard not to wear my feeling on my sleeve and understand this is the internet and sometimes things that are said our done is taken out of context. We are all friends here and only now and then we have someone that for some unknown reason loves to stir the pot and seems to thrive on drama .As for those people I wished they would find another place to spread their rhetoric , I am like Miss Joanie "I don't like drama and to old to put up with it" As for PatB he is one of the most dedicated people on here and i promise does nothing out of bias or to intentionally hurt any ones feelings. I wished you would reconsider but understand sometime people feel slighted and just can't get over it. I will say that it was not done to slight you and would hope you would understand that. As for you JB G you really don't have a dog in this fight and wished you would just keep you mouth/or fingers shut. I wondered how long it would take for you to go back to your old disruptive ways, guess I found out. Very sad some folks have such a poor attitude and for some reason thinks everyone is out to get them. ??? I for one try to look for the good points of people and try not to dwell on the bad, guess you can't do that. Guess I have said enough, but will say I for one will miss you Ed and hope you will think on it a bit before you pull out. Have a good day.  :)
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 11, 2022, 10:32:04 am
Same view points on life/people and useless drama here too Pappy but I'm one to call a spade a spade.When things like this happen multiple times to a person it's time to call it out and quit being a rug.I understand it alright.It's ok for some but not for others is not the way I treat people.I'm an equal opportunity criticizer and complimentor.
I'm not on this site to win a popularity contest as many are.I give blunt factual self proven advice and experiences as it's who I am.This site should be operated on merit period.A few others on here with mediocre skills have their noses' so brown they should change their heredital status.It's good to get along but I see no reason to degrade my integrity.
Bottom line is as with most things it's all about respect.Lack of it creates division.Lack of communication skills through character flaws is no excuse.Sometimes the bad points of a person override the good too far.
You are wrong saying it was unintentional or an over sight.I appreciate your comments but it's sad you seem to want to give excuses for others,and this is'nt the first time I've heard from you like this.I've forgotten and done more than some of your cohort moderators will ever know when it comes to this primitive stuff.I've left bad advice by them slide all for the sake of avoiding drama.
If a person wants to volunteer their services to moderate this site they should be ready to do it right and fairly.Being appointed by friends not voted on through merit is where this site goes off track and creates clickish sub standard service.Even though I'm sure it is a thankless job.Still no excuse for sub standard service.
Have a great day.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: Pappy on January 11, 2022, 11:04:07 am
OK Ed, sounds like your mind is made up, don’t know what else to say. Pappy
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: JB G on January 11, 2022, 11:14:53 am
Makes it sound like "it's all shawn's fault" really?

True, we dont need the internet but one person did not do this!

Jb G
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: Digital Caveman on January 11, 2022, 11:40:57 am
I quite agree with Pappy, and don't let a few obnoxious characters spur you to do anything rash.  Some could say I don't have any stake in this game, but you've been one of the greatest 'mentors' here for beginners like me in terms of sharing your extensive experience.  We'd hate to see you quite posting, even more so to lose everything you have posted so far.

By the way, nice deer, I bet you will get a very nice buckskin made from that.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 11, 2022, 02:17:00 pm
OK Ed, sounds like your mind is made up, don’t know what else to say. Pappy
You are part of the problem then being without anything to say.Have fun with your pigeon holed group of hypocrits.I find it odd that a well intended post of accomplishment is scarred by inept treatment of it.
I quite agree with Pappy, and don't let a few obnoxious characters spur you to do anything rash.  Some could say I don't have any stake in this game, but you've been one of the greatest 'mentors' here for beginners like me in terms of sharing your extensive experience.  We'd hate to see you quite posting, even more so to lose everything you have posted so far.

By the way, nice deer, I bet you will get a very nice buckskin made from that.
You can count on it.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: Pappy on January 11, 2022, 04:13:06 pm
Thanks Ed , I appreciate that. Not sure where it came from but if you think that of me I guess I will have a o get over it . Pappy
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 11, 2022, 06:13:10 pm
It's merely a reflection back at you of hypocritical statements made by moderators in the past about this being a PA family.Hard to digest huh?But you don't see it that way.Well I don't see it your way.
No prempt email sent to me about the removal of my post to another thread.This is your version of the way a family member is treated?
In my world it is not.Especially when threads of others are left to be seen in the same situation.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: WhistlingBadger on January 11, 2022, 06:28:39 pm
Well, I'll probably regret getting involved here but I just have to say:  Having a thread about a muzzle-loader hunt moved into the muzzle-loader forum?  I don't get where the disrespect is, Ed.  I don't get how that scars your accomplishment.  They just moved a muzzle loader thread into the muzzle loader forum.  It seems like a strange thing to get riled up about.

Mods are volunteers and they make mistakes and oversights and errors of judgement just like all the rest of us mortals.  Sometimes they do stupid stuff and don't realize it, just like the rest of us.  But overall, I appreciate what they do.  And "PA family"?  Most families have more than their share disagreements and drama.  It's all part of the adventure of dealing with fellow humans, and it's why a lot of us like going to the woods.  Alone.  :)
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 11, 2022, 07:10:21 pm
WB....You don't get the point.I've been a member at least 4 times longer than you.I've understood the duties and sacrifice the moderators have long long ago.Have praised this site up and down in the past but you were'nt around then were you.You have no weight in this discussion,and spare me your advice about family.Tell me something I don't already realize.
What I do or post reflects on me.The scarring as you so referenced about out of context is about the ongoing discussion here far from what I originally posted,but you seem to miss the angle of that one.If I had been told oh Ed..... muzzle loader kills should be in the muzzle loader section.I would of said ok so be it.But since I seen others do it in the past I figured it was ok.
Not so.
What's good for one should be good for all.
They can move it however they want.One thing they can't change is the content.
How you feel about your own posts is your business.How I feel about mine is mine.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 11, 2022, 07:27:59 pm
Just put a sticky in the M/L section for M/L hunting and we all will enjoy it. I probably have a flintlock kill or two in the hunting section, I don't remember.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: Pappy on January 11, 2022, 07:31:40 pm
Seems to me after rereading you anJB G changed the direction on this thread Ed. Pappy
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 12, 2022, 09:32:27 am
Still trying to shift the subject I see.Irrelevant.Can't change what was done.No comment to the heart of that though.

All total I must have seen 50 to 60 deer through this muzzleloader season.I heard a shot from across the line fence from the Wisconsin boys elevated stand but never was informed of what happened.They parked close to my yard to have a shorter access to walk to their stand.Personally I did see quite a number of big bucks yet while sitting for this doe.That's what they were after.Nice fellas they gave Robin and me some Wisconsin[store bought] cheese earlier too.That deer if they got one probably cost them over $2000.00 this year to get.
The early morning search for this muzzle loader shot deer started out with some gobblers gobbling a 1/4 mile away.Found another dead doe while blood trailing this one too.Coyotes had it all ate up already.Nothing but bones and hide left.I know I never wounded or foul shot any deer this year.May have been a wounded one from across the fence that just died there.I don't know.Blood trailing was sure a lot easier on the snow.
This one was pretty stiff when I found her.Glad the coyotes did'nt locate her overnight.I'm positive they would have the next night.They usually bore into the back end.Eat the back ham some or work on the enter or exit hole from the shot.Temps had been close to 0 F. overnight.Still some warmth left in her though while skinning.
Actually it's the largest doe I shot all season.Might get close to 70#'s from this one so close to a quarter or over of meat in the freezer from the deer this year.That was my goal.Large hide from her too.
In the past I've had all my deer tested for CWD since there was a positive quite a few miles away but never any around here.Called the DNR biologist about this one.Said he would'nt worry about it by me so much and that they had run out of their free testing quota limit anyway.300 tested for this county he says.Did'nt get from him the the percentage rate though.He's a hunter himself and we have some good discussions about deer or turkeys.Gets a kick out of the primitive hunting process I go through.Can't get him to try it though.He does have a collection of traditonal bows though,and of course a compound.Shoots all his turkey with a shotgun too.
He's given me at least 4 pair of turkey wings through the years.Quite a devoted fella to his profession I must say.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 12, 2022, 10:18:12 am
Here's a gadget I've used for years yankin does out.Makes the process a lot easier plus a buddy if their handy can grab onto it too to help.
Simply push the wooden slider forward to cinch it up after the loop is around the deers' head and your good to go.
 Some will use a plastic tobaggon type thing but I'm always one to carry the minimum with me weight wise to the woods.Just the essentials.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: Pappy on January 12, 2022, 04:11:15 pm
I have one similar to that without the cinch block , I need to add one of them to mine. Pappy
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: mullet on January 13, 2022, 12:22:23 am
Eric, I’m sorry I didn’t inform you I moved your old muzzleloader kills to the Muzzleloader Forum.
 Ed, I informed you in a PM, not an e-mail that I was moving yours along with a congratulations for your doe kill.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 13, 2022, 06:14:07 am
Eric, I’m sorry I didn’t inform you I moved your old muzzleloader kills to the Muzzleloader Forum.
 Ed, I informed you in a PM, not an e-mail that I was moving yours along with a congratulations for your doe kill.
You did PM me and congratulate me on the doe after you moved it while leaving the other members post in place.Those are the facts.Lets not fudge here.Better late than never has it's attributes but not in this case.You do not know my email.You can apologize to the other member on his own thread too.
Let's put it all truthfully out there mullet.My upcoming point of question I along with others would like to see the answer to.What or why were you inspired at this time to hastily move it while leaving other like type posts on there for years?Because I'm sure you seen the other members' post back then too.Amnesia is not an excuse either.My posting was'nt on there for a full day.The rules are the rules correct?
Your actions want to make it a reflection on me that I did'nt know the rules.Why then assuming you did know the rules did you choose to play biased games with them?
A non compliance to my question only proves my suspicions.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: mullet on January 13, 2022, 09:27:57 am
Well, Sport, the reason I moved it was because of all of the complaints I was getting in emails because your buddy Shawn was stirring up crap and everybody is getting tired of his petty stuff.

Also, I haven't been on here much in the last two years between dealing with cancer, moving 500 miles and clearing property and trying to get a place ready to live in. And I didn't see the other post as I very seldom go on those threads.

So, you can see it and take it any way that makes you feel like a better man, some people are never happy. I moved it, informed you of the problem, did my job and I'm finished. See ya.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 13, 2022, 09:51:16 am
Thanks Mullet, no problem, I don't care about such stuff, no big deal to me, just glad we have this site and the great guys to run it.

I am off to the Alabama Kentucky Longrifle show on Friday, looking forward to meeting a few guys who want to see what I build, I am going to show this one off, a TN squirrel rifle in .40 cal, hope they like it, it ain't for sale.



Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: Outbackbob48 on January 13, 2022, 10:46:08 am
whoa Eric, what a beautiful gun, you are very talented, Bob
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 13, 2022, 11:48:43 am
Sorry to hear of your health problems there but this has nothing to do with Shawn.
You still did'nt answer my question.If you were'nt or hav'nt been on this thread in the last 2 years and very seldom go on these threads what prompted you now?No big deal of this would have been made until you got petty sport.
So, you can see it and take it any way that makes you feel like a better man, some people are never happy. I moved it, informed you of the problem, did my job and I'm finished. See ya.
Some people hold themselves to a higher standard than others.You don't ever impose your substandard ways on me without hearing about it from me.

Eric I'm glad you have your limits about not sweating the small stuff like whether a C or a K is at the end of your first name....ha ha.Your statement is laughable.
Eric this is a deer kill thread.I see nothing here by you related to it.In fact it's against the law to shoot deer with a .40 caliber muzzle loader in Iowa and is more tooting your own horn from you again.Nice enough gun but it did'nt kill this deer and trying to hi jack this post is against the rules.Rule no.10.You have a bad habit of doing that.
You have your own membership to post your own threads.
I owned a .36 caliber Hatfield once.As pretty of a curly maple full stocked gun as you can find.Sold it.

This is the gun with the brass on it all shined up that shot this deer,along with some gun & buckskinning info link.
This gun is a production model.Made with a beautiful black walnut stock.I've read it is supposed to be Kentucky walnut.Not sure that makes a difference though.It's steel where it needs to be all browned and brass where it can be.I would consider it a top of the line traditional type production model compared to most others.
The functioning things about it are very good even after hundreds if not 1000 shots through it.Lock is crisp.Trigger pull is good/easy to set with the single trigger set type and the pull of 13and3/4" on it just fits me right.It uses no. 11 caps on it's nipple.Shooting it with 60 to 80 grains is pleasant.Most I've shot with it is 120 grains.Think it was tested to 150 grains.I would'nt care to shoot that type load consistently for an afternoon though.All round ball with a 1" in 72" twist barrel of 8 lands and grooves.Using .530 balls weighing around 220 grains or approximately 1/2 ounce of lead.


My brain tanned/smoked/beaded shooting pouch and a new patch box out of a plumb branch along with my deer rawhide ball container,short starter,nipple wrench,and powder measurer.The patch box is just a hollowed  1.5" section of a plumb limb with the bark [pretty bark] left on it.It has a slot on the side where the 1.25" wide almost 3'  long roll of lubed pillow ticking comes out as I need it.I get close to 30 shots from this roll.I used a thick disc of vegetable tanned leather to friction fit it shut from the top.Scrimshawed one of my favorite B&T's chasing a coon on the cow powder horn along with my capper I hang around my neck.


Revised a couple things for the shooting pouch.I have made a small brain tan ball bag with a thick rawhide insert for the neck to use.Instead of the rawhide one.Holds 12 shots.Enough for an afternoon of shooting.Also lubed up another strip of pillow ticking and cut the strip into disks of 1.25" diameter.Store them in a capper tin.Approximately 30 patches go in there.


In the past I've thought about inletting a patch box on this guns' stock but hav'nt got around to it.

Info link about gun....,70976.0.html
I bark shoot squirrels off with this .54 and head shoot rabbits if I have a mind to.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: mullet on January 13, 2022, 12:48:19 pm
Read what I posted again. What prompted me to go there is I got notified by other people on this Forum by email who are tired of Shawn's S Stirring. 1 they asked about the gun kill, 2 they wanted to know if Shawn was banned why he was still here with a different name,  stirring the pot again?
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 13, 2022, 12:50:07 pm
OK fine but connecting me with Shawn is a lie.From what I gather JBG is not Shawn.Shawn can only speak for himself.Why was'nt it asked about the others' threads?"The habitual hijacker."
I'm the one who gets called petty?Lets' get real.Sounds like a case of sour grapes to me.So I'm sure the complainer wants to be annonymous.What a joke and chicken shit way of handling things or it's a bad case of paranoia by the moderators.Open accountability of all members including moderators ought to be out there for everyone to see.
My so called feelings are'nt hurt and could care less if 2 other individuals are debating over a subject that I have no relation with.People that report this behavior while not participating are whiners period.
I've never he hawed to any moderators about peoples' comments on any of my threads or about anyone elses' threads either.I always took care of it myself calling them out openly on this forum.Fought my own battles without involving anyone else.I will now if that's the popular procedure as petty and chicken shit as that looks to me.IMO only whiners take this action and if it offends you don't read it.
In retrospect if one feels his thread is being harrassed breaking a rule of any degree and it is unrelenting with no mutual understanding of the two the only course for the poster would be to report to the moderators.I've personally never had it go that far in over a decade of membership.
You may not like the way I use the english language here.I'm merely pointing out to the rest of the forum the hypocritical favoritism that goes on on this forum.After over a decade of membership and over 8000 posts that's my observation.
Hands down mostly good too I must say,and give credit to the way this forum is constructed,and it is far from perfect.But hey what is?
You can ask why participate then.It's a forum to show your accomplishments and for beginners it's a learning site.There are enough honest to goodness individuals that don't taint the water who want to take this bow making to levels that might make a difference too.To disclaim myths and rumors that  they can and do out perform FG bows.I've proven that myself as I shoot with FG toting shooters.
Title: Re: 1 more with the .54
Post by: BowEd on January 13, 2022, 01:16:06 pm
Here's what's left of a deer by the coyotes after 2 weeks to a month of dying.
Pretty much hide and bones.They get pretty hungry when real winter sets in.
It's really important to get to my deer as soon as possible.I got lucky this time.Practically every late winter here you can see 3 or 4 coyotes trotting pushing a half dozen deer to run to weed out the weak.Just like you see wolves chasing caribou farther up north.
I don't own running dogs and never have,tree dogs....yes.My neighbor couple miles away has a dozen running dogs.Should give him a call to weed these coyotes out some.Breeding season is coming on.Should be able to pick some traveling males' tracks fairly easy.
I carry the .223 with me in the truck this time of year and get lucky on a coyote occasionally.Excellent self tanned projects from these animals.
Coyotes to me are almost like opossums.You can kill them on site for years and you'll never get rid of them around here.They are survivors.Just joking but I think they could survive a nuclear holocaust and be the last ones' standing....ha ha.Oh yea we can't forget about the wood tick too.