Primitive Archer

Information and Resources => Primitive Shoots and Events => Topic started by: Buckeye Guy on January 04, 2022, 12:08:36 pm

Title: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: Buckeye Guy on January 04, 2022, 12:08:36 pm
Folks I have done all I can
My health Issues will no longer permit me to go forward with this event
we have had an awesome time and I have made many wonderful friendships over the past many years
The memories will be with me till my mind is gone and I thank each of you for them
I love my Primitive family
Y'all take care of yourselves

Title: Re: The Primitve Archery Rendezvous ( formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Pappy on January 04, 2022, 08:21:42 pm
Good new Guy. Hope all is well with you, Miss Joanie kind of keeps up with you on face book and was asking about you around Christmas.  :)
Title: Re: The Primitve Archery Rendezvous ( formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: bjrogg on January 04, 2022, 08:37:21 pm
That’s great news guy. I will definitely be watching for updates.
Title: Re: The Primitve Archery Rendezvous ( formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: chamookman on January 05, 2022, 03:25:27 am
Looking forward to the news Guy ! Bob
Title: Re: The Primitve Archery Rendezvous ( formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Russ on January 05, 2022, 03:30:06 pm
Thats great news!!! im excited!!!!
Title: Re: The Primitve Archery Rendezvous ( formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: PaSteve on January 10, 2022, 07:36:12 pm
Wow Guy. You just made my day! It's a long hike for me but we'll worth it. Can't wait.
Title: Re: The Primitve Archery Rendezvous ( formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Buckeye Guy on January 13, 2022, 05:05:50 pm
We have worked out enough of the details that we can say its a go so I will edit the orignal post now
we are going to need help so get with me as soon as you know your coming so we can get y'all  lined up
we need to have some kind of number of folks attending for the club also
Thanks everyone !!
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: bjrogg on January 13, 2022, 06:29:09 pm
Hey guy that’s great.

It would take a act of God to keep Susie and I from coming. The site is even a little closer for us.

Are we going to be able to work on bows and such?

I’ve got one vice and a couple draw knives and tools.

Really looking forward to this.

Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: wooddamon1 on January 16, 2022, 03:04:26 pm
Great news! 2 hours away for me, not too bad.
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: bjrogg on January 16, 2022, 05:42:21 pm
I text Cindy today.

She said there is a pavilion we can work in and even more tables than Marshall.

Really nice campgrounds. Both primitive and electric hook ups.

I think $30 a night.

Forgot to ask if we could come early.


PS talked to several who plan on being there
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Buckeye Guy on January 17, 2022, 10:41:46 am
Yes BJ we are working on bows as Passing on our great traditions is what our event is all bout !
The campground is a full time campgrounds so you could work out with them the details that work best for you on the modern style camping with electric
I am still working out the details of the rest of the event
It looks like we are good for everything we normally do !
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Hawkdancer on January 18, 2022, 05:39:17 pm
Memorial Day weekend?  Still at least a 2 day drive from out here!
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Buckeye Guy on January 19, 2022, 11:43:04 am
Memorial Day weekend?  Still at least a 2 day drive from out here!

yes memorial day weekend has been our traditional weekend so this year that would be May 27,28,29
we don't plan things for afternoon on Sunday or on Monday as we want folks to be able to be able to do their Memorial services
I totally understand travel issues
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: RyanY on January 23, 2022, 02:37:13 pm
So glad you found another location, Guy. Thank you for your hard work. Hopefully can make it over with the whole family this year.
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 08, 2022, 04:41:40 pm
Be good to see ya Ryan
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 10, 2022, 11:18:10 am
I have posted all the Particulars in the top post so please go back up and read it now
see ya there for the fun
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: chamookman on February 11, 2022, 04:51:36 am
By "Modern" Bows, do You mean Glass Backed LongBows and Recurves, or those Mechanical Things ? Thanks Guy - Bob.
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: bjrogg on February 11, 2022, 07:47:07 am
Guy good lord willing Susie and I will be there. I will try to bring something nice for the auction or raffle. Also the pot luck dinner.

Really hoping this turns out to be a fantastic event. Sure been missing our old one.


PS I will treat the modern bows with respect and try to bring them over from the dark side that way. Not everyone started out shooting selfbows. We are a often miss understood group, with often miss understood technology.
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: paulsemp on February 11, 2022, 08:41:03 am
If it's an open course my daughter will be shooting a glass bow. I'll probably bring one also to fling a few arrows. Nothing wrong with glass bows, I like both. In my backyard I can go from shooting a glass bow to shooting a simple bendy roughed out with a hatchet with a sinew string.
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 11, 2022, 11:40:49 am
They allow all bows but our event prices are just for no man made material bows.
Pauly good to hear from ya     
We love our kids !!
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 11, 2022, 11:46:13 am
This years flyer in case anyone wants it
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Russ on February 20, 2022, 05:38:40 pm
I’m going to be there this year
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Digital Caveman on February 20, 2022, 08:56:18 pm
I may actually be in the area that weekend, so I may come by! 

You said Thursday through Sunday, but the flyer said Friday through Sunday, which is it?
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Buckeye Guy on March 01, 2022, 06:41:08 pm
I may actually be in the area that weekend, so I may come by! 

You said Thursday through Sunday, but the flyer said Friday through Sunday, which is it?
Good to hear of your plans
I may actually be in the area that weekend, so I may come by! 

You said Thursday through Sunday, but the flyer said Friday through Sunday, which is it?
we’ll be there just more going on for weekend
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Buckeye Guy on March 02, 2022, 10:05:43 am
I’m going to be there this year
Be good to see you again
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: JEB on March 08, 2022, 09:39:24 am
I was excited about going until I read "modern Bows" so I won't be going. Being modern bows are allowed means this is nothing more to me than any other shoot taking place. I know Guy told me the club has another commitment for this weekend going along with the Primitive Event so it is out of his hands.
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Russ on March 29, 2022, 03:22:16 pm
Me and my dad are getting reaaaaallllly excited! we will be at the camp on Thursday but will be getting into Michigan on Monday or Tuesday!!!
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: bjrogg on March 31, 2022, 04:35:27 pm
Susie and I are still going to try and make it. A lot will depend on how my brother is doing.

Sure hope to be there.

Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: paulsemp on March 31, 2022, 08:10:44 pm
Sorry guys I won't make it this year. Have some plane vouchers we need to burn up from a trip that got canceled from covid. Hope it turns out well in the new location
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous formerly Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Post by: Russ on April 03, 2022, 11:43:51 pm
We will miss you Paul! You too Jeb! Maybe next year?

I really hope things turn out well for you BJ!
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: Buckeye Guy on April 12, 2022, 11:15:38 am
this event has will no longer be held sorry folks it's over and done
please see the top post for more details
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: PaSteve on April 12, 2022, 04:28:39 pm
So sorry to hear about your health issues Guy. You, and everyone involved did an outstanding job with the event. You certainly need to take care of your health. Thanks for doing such a wonderful job. Praying that your health will improve.
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: bjrogg on April 12, 2022, 09:49:57 pm
Guy I’m so sorry to hear.

I want you to know how much my wife and I appreciate everything you and everyone that helped did to  put on this event in the past. We had some really good times and meet some really fantastic people.

Bless you and good memories.

BJ & Susie
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: Dvshunter on April 13, 2022, 12:25:18 am
I'm sorry to hear that Guy. My family and I have lots of great memories because of you. My daughters best friend first went camping at your event! Take care friend and good luck! Thanks for the memories!
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: chamookman on April 13, 2022, 03:39:07 am
Saddened to hear that Guy - thoughts and Prayers sent Your way ! Thanks for all the work You did in Years past and hope to maybe share a Campfire at a another Venue sometime in the Future  (=) ! Bob
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: Stixnstones on April 13, 2022, 09:51:17 am
Sorry to hear this. I cannot thank you enough Guy. Everything you guys have done for this community will sadly be missed. Wishing you the best
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: Pappy on April 17, 2022, 06:33:29 pm
Sad news Guy, I know how much you and many others loved this event. :) Hpe all goes well with you and you wives health.
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: Buckeye Guy on May 23, 2022, 09:06:03 pm
Thanks folks
Lots of emotions hitting hard this week
Play my Indian flute a bit each night to calm myself for sleep
God has been so good to me
Friends and family and so much more
Love and miss y’all
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: Pappy on May 25, 2022, 08:27:38 am
Thinking about you Guy, I feel your pain, these events just become special to us that put them on,I know this was your baby and hate it didn't turn out like you had planed.  :(
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: Russ on May 25, 2022, 01:21:35 pm
Guy, I only went one year and i was welcomed with open arms. I made memories that i know i will never forget, It was an absolute joy to go. I saw the love that went into making this event happen. Im sad to see this happen, but i am SO glad that i was able to go that last year.

Thank you for everything Guy!

My prayers are with you and your family

Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: bjrogg on May 27, 2022, 02:08:26 pm

Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: bjrogg on May 27, 2022, 02:21:28 pm
Thanks Guy
Title: Re: The Primitive Archery Rendezvous, Marshal Primitive Archery Rendezvous Canceled
Post by: Russ on May 27, 2022, 10:39:56 pm
Same here bj. Went through all my old photos. lots of good memories in just a couple of days

Thank you Guy