Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Horn Bows => Topic started by: superdav95 on September 14, 2021, 09:20:24 pm

Title: Buffalo horn and sinew (update…new non traditional build)
Post by: superdav95 on September 14, 2021, 09:20:24 pm
Ok so I’m looking for some appropriate Buffalo horn long enough to make a bamboo core composite horn bow backed with sinew.  I have seen some sources for Buffalo horn but seems like a risky venture and figured I’d ask here to see where you guys are sourcing yours.  My goal with this bow is to keep draw weight to 45-50lbs.  I know it’s little on the light side.  Just experimenting a little with composite bows and want some horn and sinew if anyone knows a good reputable source.  Thanks guys!  Dave
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew
Post by: ecounter on February 22, 2022, 05:23:51 pm
I have had good luck with these guys:
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew
Post by: superdav95 on February 22, 2022, 08:44:56 pm
This is sane one I ordered as well.  Mine were eBay listing but same guys.  Seem good as far a I can tell so far.  Thanks

Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew
Post by: pierce_schmeichel on February 01, 2024, 03:33:49 pm
Hey Dave when are you planning on making this bow? I ordered some buffalo horns a few weeks ago and am planning on making one. Just curious because there aren't all that many posts on the buffalo horn bows. I think I'm gonna use either wild plum as the core wood or choke cherry.

Also are you planing on using the strip method and just butt splicing or doing the spiral cut method?
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew
Post by: superdav95 on February 04, 2024, 02:17:53 pm
Ya actually I was just working on one recently that is a complex composite horn bow.  It’s heavily reflexed into a c shape.  I haven’t been posting updates on here.  Maybe I should.  So far it’s almost done to the point where I can start bending it.  It’s been almost a year curing and drying.  Little longer then it needed for sure but I had enough other things going on not to rush it.  It’s a tartar style bow.  It’s got a bamboo core wood that has been laminated with water Buffalo horn on belly and 3 layers of sinew on back.  I used a different approach to others on this one.  I’ll post some pics and see what guys think of it.  So far it feels heavy but time will tell. 
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew
Post by: superdav95 on February 05, 2024, 03:14:38 pm
Here are some pics of my progress on my latest horn bow.  I hope it does not explode.  It is experimental.  It is a test in many ways the strength of a 5 piece bow design using horn and sinew on bamboo core.  I’m testing out the modular design of the 5 pieces and if replacement can be made without scraping entire build.  We shall see.  This bow is constructed with only hide glue or sinew glue specifically.  I’ve used sinew wraps instead of my normal polyester thread wraps for serving the glued pieces.  In building this bow to this point I’ve already had to replace on of my levers due to a grain concern and was able to just heat it up and remove and replace.  I may still more wrapped sinew around the syahs or lever base yet.  I double wrapped the handle section.  The dimensions of this bow are closer to a tartar size but very loosely based on this type of bow.  This one is 55 1/2” long ntn and 57 1/2” ttt.  The width is 1.75” at widest part then tapers towards tips. The thickness of the limbs at the thickest points roughly are 1/4” wood core, 1/8” horn plate and 1/8” sinew layer.  These also taper in thickness out towards the tips somewhat.  Little thicker in Kasan area for added strength here.  To replicate a tartar bow would be to use more traditional methods of v splices in assembly and then shaping the wood core with the horn already glued on. I didn’t do that here.  I built this one little differently.  I had made a jig in the milder c shape I was aiming for and glued the horn slats to 1/2 of the bamboo core.  I then glued the other half that was backed with layers of sinew on the other half of bamboo core.  Anyway not built traditional.  I hesitated in posting this one until it either shoots or explosion but what the heck.  This is a platform of learning.   We shall see how it goes.  Here some pics of my progress.  You will notice the handle orientation is different too.  I did this so as to more closely follow the way I build my 5 piece bamboo bows.  Essentially that’s what this build is for. To see if it can be done this way using the 5 piece bow build method loosely but advantages of sinew and horn.  Fingers crossed 🤞. 
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew
Post by: superdav95 on February 05, 2024, 03:16:08 pm
Few more…
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew (update…new non traditional build)
Post by: pierce_schmeichel on February 05, 2024, 09:25:54 pm
Wowww Dave that looks amazing!! I have always wanted to make a Turkish style horn bow. It seems so daunting and I don't have enough material to do it either. Very impressed, I hope it doesn't break either!! Keep us updated

Also I was talking about the American Bison horns. Have you done that? I am planning on doing a natice american bison horn bow.
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew (update…new non traditional build)
Post by: superdav95 on February 05, 2024, 10:41:50 pm
Thanks pierce.  I’m hoping it survives.  As far the bison horn bow I e not tried one yet.  Tibor makes awesome horn bows posted recently that are amazing.   It’s on my list of thing to give a try.  I’ll have to source some horn for that one. 
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew (update…new non traditional build)
Post by: tattoo dave on February 23, 2024, 08:15:44 pm
Looking good so far! Keep those pics coming
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew (update…new non traditional build)
Post by: bassman211 on September 07, 2024, 11:21:04 pm
wow nice
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew (update…new non traditional build)
Post by: Bob Barnes on February 11, 2025, 09:38:32 pm
What happened with this project Dave?
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew (update…new non traditional build)
Post by: superdav95 on February 12, 2025, 07:01:20 pm
Hah.  Ya funny you should ask.  I had got this low braced and didn’t like to profile.  It’s pretty heavy too so I need to work a bit more on this one to get it to the shape I want.  Back burner for now as I get gluing up other bows.  I may post a pic of the low brace anyway if I get around to it. 
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew (update…new non traditional build)
Post by: Bob Barnes on February 13, 2025, 09:14:22 pm
Hah.  Ya funny you should ask.  I had got this low braced and didn’t like to profile.  It’s pretty heavy too so I need to work a bit more on this one to get it to the shape I want.  Back burner for now as I get gluing up other bows.  I may post a pic of the low brace anyway if I get around to it.

thanks for the update.
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew
Post by: Mad Max on February 15, 2025, 10:35:18 am
I have had good luck with these guys:

They don't show a thickness, is there a standard rough thickness and how thick? ???
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew
Post by: superdav95 on February 15, 2025, 11:35:45 pm
I have had good luck with these guys:

They don't show a thickness, is there a standard rough thickness and how thick? ???

you dont need a lot of horn as far as thickness goes.  you will be suprised at how much you end up taking off.  for a 50-60lbs bow you will hardly need 1/8" thick strip.  If you round or dish it out maybe a little more to start out.  it will taper off out towards the tips.  near the handle more like 3-4 mm thickness.  Alot of this depends on the width of your limbs of course type of bow.  out towards the tip its almost nothing almost see through.  The last bunch of horn i got was plenty thick.  I dont make heavy war bows either so one might need thicker horn strips for war bows.  The korean style bow im working on is only about 1 3/8" wide limbs and the horn is quite thin,  about 2mm then tapering out to nothing essentially.  hope that helps
Title: Re: Buffalo horn and sinew (update…new non traditional build)
Post by: Mad Max on February 16, 2025, 06:34:56 pm
Ok thanks