Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: PeteC on May 11, 2008, 10:13:08 am

Title: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: PeteC on May 11, 2008, 10:13:08 am
I've been using Tru-Oil to finish my bows for the last 7 or 8 years,like many of you do.It makes for a great water-resistant finish,thats only weakness,as for as I see,is contact with insect repellant.A small bottle will afford enough 10 coat treatments to finish many bows.The last bottle I bought back in february,is still half full.I put a first coat on a new bow last evening.I went out this morning to apply a second coat,but it was still tacky.The RH for our area is no higher than normal,in fact I've applied it while it was raining outside without a problem.Have any of you ever experienced a "short shelf-life",with Tru-Oil? Appeciate any comments, Thanks, and God Bless
Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: Hillbilly on May 11, 2008, 10:37:46 am
I've experienced that same thing before, I guess it gets old after being opened awhile.
Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: DanaM on May 11, 2008, 10:41:44 am
I store all my finishes upside down once its been opened, I was taught this trick by a painter. Of course a bottle of tru-Oil
rarely lasts me more than a few months.
Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: Gordon on May 11, 2008, 12:00:57 pm
I do what Dana said and have never had a problem with shelf-life.
Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: Pat B on May 11, 2008, 12:21:30 pm
   When I use Tru-Oil I put a little in a small container and close the bottle up. This way the remainder is not subject to evaporation.      Before I started doing this I would open a half bottle of Tru-Oil and there would be a skin over it.  I do believe that there is a shelf life for Tru-Oil.   You may haver to wipe it down with 0000steel wool and start over with a fresh bottle.      Pat
Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: DanaM on May 11, 2008, 01:04:38 pm
Pat turn it upside down and there won't be a skin on it :)
Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: mullet on May 11, 2008, 04:19:31 pm
  I keep all my spray finishes, glue and true oil in the refridgerator in my shop.
Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: DBernier on May 11, 2008, 05:00:40 pm
Like Eddie I keep all my spray and oil finishes in a small shop refrigerator, inverted. The tru-oil I have always stored upside down. I usually take a small amount out and recap the can with a foil seal and store it. It has lasted a long time.


BTW its good to be back. It has been a hellish two months with my best friend dieing etc., etc.
Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: Hillbilly on May 11, 2008, 05:05:14 pm
Good to see you back, Dick.
Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: DBernier on May 11, 2008, 05:06:47 pm
Thanks Hillbilly.

Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: D. Tiller on May 11, 2008, 05:24:08 pm
I'm now using a hand rubbed Poly-eurethane finnish on my bows. Seems to work real well and seals the bows up from the the elements. Plus, I think it may be more resistant to moisture than True oil and it dries in less time.
Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: yellow feather on May 11, 2008, 05:36:27 pm
I don't know about shelf life but I am using some now from a few old gun refinishing kits that I had. The rest of the stuff in the kits is no good but the Tru oil still works good. The kits are probably 20 years old. There was a thin skim on top but I removed it and it's good to go. David
Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: D. Tiller on May 11, 2008, 06:16:05 pm
Whats the temp where you are? Read the back it specifies a temp range that it must be at to set up and dry out at.
Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: PeteC on May 13, 2008, 03:14:17 pm
Thanks for the info fellas.I think I figured out the problem.I was pouring a little Tru-oil into a small cup,applying it to the bow,then pouring it back into the bottle.So evidently pouring the "evaporated"  ,(or funkified),material back in the bottle was probably contaminating it pre-maturely.The first coat eventually set up in 2 days,so I wooled it off,and started with fresh Tru-oil.I won't be so dang cheap in the future to save a few drops. Thanks again , PeteC            God Bless
Title: Re: Tru-Oil longevity
Post by: TRACY on May 13, 2008, 05:36:38 pm
I store my tru oil in a glass bottle with a good fitting lid out of the sun. Might be extreme but don't have any problems.
