Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Will B on July 22, 2021, 06:55:07 pm

Title: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Will B on July 22, 2021, 06:55:07 pm
I processed a bunch of whitetail deer sinew this past winter and decided I would try making a short (for me) sinew-backed osage recurve. I had a really clean piece of Osage that I cut to 62”. I steamed recurves into the bow and a week later had it tillered out to ~55# @ 20”. My friend Bob (Bassman here on PA) gave me a hand applying two layers of sinew with Titebond 3 glue. I reverse braced the bow and hung it in my garage for 6 weeks to let it cure.

I proceeded to tiller the bow out to 58# @ 28” with the help of Bassman. After shooting a hundred arrows through the bow it shot so well I decided it needed some snakeskins. I received a beautiful matching pair of eastern diamondback skins in exchange for a pile of turkey primary feathers from Bentstick54 here on PA ( thanks Brian). The tip overlays are ebony and the handle wrap is scrap leather I picked up from an Amish saddle shop. I finished the bow with six coats of Tru-oil sanded between coats with 0000 steel wool and a final coat of spar urethane.

The bow shoots really nice and is smooth out to my 28” draw. This bow will likely be my future treestand and blind bow for deer and turkeys. Thanks for looking!

Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Will B on July 22, 2021, 06:56:30 pm
More pics
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Will B on July 22, 2021, 06:57:43 pm
More pics
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Will B on July 22, 2021, 06:58:50 pm
Full draw
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Piddler on July 22, 2021, 07:05:41 pm
Will B I am liking that one.
May I ask how far above center is the arrow rest.
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Will B on July 22, 2021, 07:18:59 pm
Thanks Piddler.  The rest is 1-1/4” above center.
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Pat B on July 22, 2021, 07:29:24 pm
That's a well tillered, purdy one for sure.  :OK
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Tommy D on July 22, 2021, 08:21:59 pm
That’s a gorgeous looking bow - well done. I have a question about titebond 3 and sinew - does the sinew still shrink and dry in the same way as with hide glue?
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Will B on July 22, 2021, 08:34:00 pm
Tommy I don’t think titebond glue shrinks with the sinew like hide glue does. Others on here likely have a lot more experience than I do as this was only my second sinew-backed bow.
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: airkah on July 22, 2021, 10:18:41 pm
Beautiful! I really love this one!
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: SLIMBOB on July 23, 2021, 12:00:21 am
Very nice. Full draw looks like money. 
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: bownarra on July 23, 2021, 03:51:38 am
That’s a gorgeous looking bow - well done. I have a question about titebond 3 and sinew - does the sinew still shrink and dry in the same way as with hide glue?

No! You would be best to heat treat/bend the blank into as much reflex as you dare then apply the sinew with TB. Most of your reflex should be added by reverse bracing and or heat forming prior to sinewing regardless of glue used. Even collagen glue/sinew won't pull much reflex by itself.

That bow is a beauty :) The snake skins really set it off.
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: BowEd on July 23, 2021, 05:35:46 am
Good looking bow in all aspects Will B.
Tommy D.....When reverse bracing while sinewing bows of positions from 5 to 15 inches with hide glue on quite a number of bows the bow will still reflex around 3/4" more than it's reversed brace position for me on bows of at least 1.25" wide as sinew loves to pull even harder on wider thinner limbs.Which can be variable then.
Even while applying sinew in stages letting it dry a week to 10 days between stages ie. 6" to 9" to 12".That means the reverse brace string goes limp in that 10 day wait.That's using at least 1200 grains of sinew total then too.So approximately 400 grains of sinew applied in 3 stages.
I usually end up using around 400 grains or a little more of hide glue with that 1200 grains of sinew then too.
Using tite bond it just lays there with no extra reflex from reversed position.That means the reverse brace string stays tight.The sinew/titebond combo will help in reducing set though.
You'll get a bigger bang for your buck reflex wise using hide glue.All things considered ideal that the bow is properly tillered and I agree with bownarra that to get the best from sinew is to put it to work.
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Stixnstones on July 23, 2021, 09:27:27 am
Beautiful bow, love everything about it... great work
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: bassman211 on July 23, 2021, 10:00:52 am
Now you have the short recurve bow that you have wanted for a while to use as an all around hunting bow. Should work  well in a tree stand, and in a turkey blind. Happy for you. Now next up is a 62 inch Osage self bow. Your finish work turned out beautiful on this one, but no surprise. Bring it to my house , and we will shoot it through the chrony just for fun.
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: PaSteve on July 23, 2021, 10:08:25 am
You're turning out some really nice bows, Will. Nice to have Bob in your neck of the woods to build bows with. Great job and those skins look awesome! Hope that bow is successful on a Pa whitetail this fall.
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: simson on July 23, 2021, 01:50:11 pm
That's a plain beauty! Congrats!
All looks spot on. You did a fine job.
I personally wouldn't sinew a bow with that length.
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: gutpile on July 23, 2021, 02:15:52 pm
sweeeet bow Will... nice tiller too... gut
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: PeteC on July 23, 2021, 04:35:04 pm
That's a beauty and I like everything about it. That is one clean piece of boisd'arc too. God Bless
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: bassman211 on July 24, 2021, 12:12:14 pm
simson ,it was his first short bow, and he wanted it sinew backed. He has been hunting successfully with 68 inch Osage bows. Next one will be a 62 inch Osage self bow. Bet you wouldn't have used Tb3 with the sinew either like many on this forum.  I can say that this bow is not a wet noodle like some might think, because of using Tb3 with the sinew. Sooner ,or later we will chrony it ,and post the results. Last bow you posted is a beaut.
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 25, 2021, 01:30:28 pm
simson ,it was his first short bow, and he wanted it sinew backed. He has been hunting successfully with 68 inch Osage bows. Next one will be a 62 inch Osage self bow. Bet you wouldn't have used Tb3 with the sinew either like many on this forum.  I can say that this bow is not a wet noodle like some might think, because of using Tb3 with the sinew. Sooner ,or later we will chrony it ,and post the results. Last bow you posted is a beaut.

While hide glue may have given an advantage with a bit more arrow speed, the way it was built is still gonna perform! I'll bet the price of a cup of coffee this bow has some snort!
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Will B on July 25, 2021, 01:53:48 pm
I just got home from ETAR and wanted to thank everyone for your comments. Much appreciated!
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Digital Caveman on July 25, 2021, 04:15:46 pm
Very nice, I would have thought 62" short not long ago, but I have taken a liking to shorter bows and shorted draws recently.  With the stiff handle and recurves The working limb would be a lot shorter, so the sinew makes sense.  I'm glad the TB3 worked well for you. 
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Will B on July 25, 2021, 04:39:40 pm
Thanks tradcraftsman. I am also starting to make my bows shorter as I gain more experience. I shot this bow a lot this week at ETAR and I really like how it shoots. No stack and hits hard.
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: simson on July 27, 2021, 04:03:57 am
simson ,it was his first short bow, and he wanted it sinew backed. He has been hunting successfully with 68 inch Osage bows. Next one will be a 62 inch Osage self bow. Bet you wouldn't have used Tb3 with the sinew either like many on this forum.  I can say that this bow is not a wet noodle like some might think, because of using Tb3 with the sinew. Sooner ,or later we will chrony it ,and post the results. Last bow you posted is a beaut.

Well, maybe I was misunderstood. This bow is a beauty (what I've said) and I have no doubt it is a good shooter. I just said, I personally wouldn't sinew an osage with that length. And yes I prefer hide glue with a sinew job, there are some good reasons why.
Again, Will made a fine job!
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: bassman211 on July 27, 2021, 05:23:50 am
No harm, no foul. Your bow builds are impeccable simon. You are a true master craftsman. This was a special bow for Will B., and as we go along we will build a 62 inch Osage self bow, and another with hide glue as close as we can  design wise, and poundage, and, check performance comparing all three through a chrony. The test won't be scientific, but will give us an idea of how much performance gain their really is  from one bow to another. I am amazed at each ,and every bow that you post. Respectfully Bob.
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: rps3 on July 28, 2021, 12:12:26 pm
Great looking bow! Wish I would have run into you at etar. It was a good time.
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: bradsmith2010 on July 28, 2021, 02:26:30 pm
looks great congrats,, :)
Title: Re: 62” Sinew-Backed Osage Recurve
Post by: Gimlis Ghost on September 07, 2021, 12:12:14 pm
Good looking bow in all aspects Will B.
Tommy D.....When reverse bracing while sinewing bows of positions from 5 to 15 inches with hide glue on quite a number of bows the bow will still reflex around 3/4" more than it's reversed brace position for me on bows of at least 1.25" wide as sinew loves to pull even harder on wider thinner limbs.Which can be variable then.
Even while applying sinew in stages letting it dry a week to 10 days between stages ie. 6" to 9" to 12".That means the reverse brace string goes limp in that 10 day wait.That's using at least 1200 grains of sinew total then too.So approximately 400 grains of sinew applied in 3 stages.
I usually end up using around 400 grains or a little more of hide glue with that 1200 grains of sinew then too.
Using tite bond it just lays there with no extra reflex from reversed position.That means the reverse brace string stays tight.The sinew/titebond combo will help in reducing set though.
You'll get a bigger bang for your buck reflex wise using hide glue.All things considered ideal that the bow is properly tillered and I agree with bownarra that to get the best from sinew is to put it to work.

Has anyone tried model airplane dope?
It shrinks paper and cloth stretched over the wooden frame work to produce a tight smooth surface much stronger than the original material while bonding the skin to the frame. The effect is strong enough to curve thin wooden slats if doped on one side only.
If the model airplane dope wouldn't work perhaps the formulation used on full size wood and cloth vintage airframes might. In that application the thin linen surface is stout enough to resist wind pressures of several hundred miles per hour without permanent deformation.
Just a thought.