Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: lotojarich on May 08, 2008, 02:38:47 am

Title: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: lotojarich on May 08, 2008, 02:38:47 am
Here is my second bow and first hunter. It is Hickory Backed Ipe that I glued up with Urac. Has Cherry tip overlays. By the time I got it floor tillered I had removed tons of Ipe so I turned it over and scraped the hickory side down to about 1/16" so that my Ipe wasn't too thin. Still was about 55# at 15". The bow ended up at 47# at 27". It has about 1 1/2" of set. It is 69 1/2" long and 68" nock to nock. It is 1" wide at the handle, 9/16" at the tips, and 1 3/8" at the fades. Seems like a fast shooter and I don't notice the handshock. I was hoping for 55# but ended up with 47# after shooting it in. I was surprised how much it dropped with exercising. I have 4 more Ipe boards and am going to try a R/D glue next and hopefully get 55#. Reading everyones tips here have really helped. Lots of fun! Thanks!


Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: medicinewheel on May 08, 2008, 04:46:24 am

tiller looks great!
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: ricktrojanowski on May 08, 2008, 06:42:12 am
Nice job.  Looks like it should get some deer for ya.
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: huntersteve on May 08, 2008, 07:58:45 am
very nice.....great looking bow......Steve
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: a finnish native on May 08, 2008, 08:17:48 am
looking good there.
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Pappy on May 08, 2008, 08:54:56 am
Very nice bow,tiller looks good and the finish work looks great.Nice job. :)
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Hrothgar on May 08, 2008, 09:56:12 am
Lookin' good, nice job on the tip overlays.
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Justin Snyder on May 08, 2008, 10:22:21 am
Great job, it definitely looks like it will shoot well.  At 69 1/2" you could pike it a bout 1 to 1 1/2 inches on each limb and get some of that draw weight back if you wanted. You have a good wood combination and plenty of length to work with.  Justin
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: DanaM on May 08, 2008, 11:23:00 am
Tiller looks great did you glue in any reflex? As in a Perry reflex. Thanks for sharing
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Gordon on May 08, 2008, 11:31:58 am
Nice looking tiller on that one.
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Rich Saffold on May 08, 2008, 12:28:37 pm
You did a great job especially considering its your second bow ;)..
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: radius on May 08, 2008, 12:32:13 pm
I agree with Justin:  cut off those tip overlays, re-file, and you'll find your bow back around where you wanted it to be...

Then's nice to say it's finished, too, eh?
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: shamus on May 08, 2008, 12:48:49 pm
This is your second bow? You, sir, have a eye for tiller.

Agreed with radius and justin: you could shorten that bow a bit and get the weight up. 69" is plenty long for a 27" draw. Cut an inch off the tips, and you'll add about 8-10# or so. The bow will be 66" ntn, and that's just about ideal for a 27" draw.
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: OldBow on May 08, 2008, 12:58:37 pm
Great Tiller - Hickory on Ipe has got to be a winner. Wish I could shoot it. Bookmarked for May Laminate Bow of the Month, for sure.
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Slivershooter on May 08, 2008, 02:08:53 pm
Nice looking bow
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Apex Predator on May 08, 2008, 02:43:10 pm
Great job!  I wish I could tiller one out as pretty.
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: stiknstring on May 08, 2008, 07:05:30 pm
That is a nice bow. A little more leather work on the handle wrap and it will be a SUPER nice bow.  Good job
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: recurve shooter on May 08, 2008, 08:58:58 pm
be lookin like a meat getter to me. ;)
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: lotojarich on May 08, 2008, 10:07:12 pm
Thanks for all the nice words! It was reading this site for the last 5 months that has given me the help that I needed. I may take up Justin's pointer and pike it a bit to bring up the weight some (might be nice to have it a tad shorter for the hunt too). But like Radius said it is nice to be able to say it is done! I glued these together as boards and that was my big mistake. Should have tillered out the Ipe first so that I could at least put in a little "Perry" reflex. That is what I'm going to change on my next one. Thanks again for all the great info here, everyone is so hospitable, even to the new guy! ... Rich
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: snedeker on May 08, 2008, 11:10:12 pm
Terrific second bow.  \

Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Justin Snyder on May 09, 2008, 12:54:12 am
Rich, did you get your Ipe from MacBeath?  I need to stop in there tomarrow.  Justin
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: lotojarich on May 09, 2008, 11:26:54 am
Justin, I got the Ipe bow cores from bowstick. I found out about macbeath too late. I did get a nice hickory board from National Wood Products about 2 months ago. I still haven't checked out Macbeath.  Rich
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Justin Snyder on May 09, 2008, 12:21:19 pm
I stop in to MacBeath every time I come up from St. George. If you go out to the exotic woods shed you can find all kinds of cool stuff. Purple heart, Yellow Heart, Ipe, Bubinga, Cocobolo, Jatoba, you name it they have it. Justin
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: dogface on May 09, 2008, 01:12:01 pm
Jealousy is an ugly thing. Right now I am very ugly. How do you get Ipe and did you scrape, sand, rasp or saw your bow or was it all three ?
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: lotojarich on May 09, 2008, 01:30:16 pm
Dogface, like I said before Bowstick archery sells Ipe bow cores, and they are nice and straight. I used all hand tools. Ipe is pretty hard and scrapes better for me than rasps. I use sureform rasps, draw knife (actually a small machete), and scrapers (mostly scrapers). I would like to get a power saw, but it might just get me in trouble. Going slow keeps me from making mistakes.

Justin, will MacBeath cut the wood up for you. National wont so I have to borrow power tools from family to mill it. It would be nice if they would have milled them into 1x2's and 1/8 x2's for me.

Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: 1/2primitive on May 10, 2008, 01:42:42 am
Good bow, nice tiller, I like it.
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Rich Saffold on May 10, 2008, 02:54:35 am
I was checking out Bowsticks straight ipe/boo blanks, and 55.00$ is a lot considering you are gluing two straight boards together which cost about 5 bucks max..With no floor tillering before glue-up...20 is plenty for this...

Seeing as how I started this "trend" years ago, I know thats a bit of a rip..especially with all the folks response to the fine customer service on the other parts of this forum (of course I'm joking).

Dogface, if you are interested go to and I will set you up with a blank that will make your friends jealous for the same price, and it will be floor tillered...

I don't do these for profit, I just can't stand seeing stuff like this...BS...

Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Justin Snyder on May 11, 2008, 01:52:00 am
Rich, I don't know about having them cut it up. I imagine they will, but I'm sure there will be a price. 

You are a good man Rich Saffold.
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Rich Saffold on May 11, 2008, 03:53:21 am
Thanks Justin, as you know from your experience with Ipe bows is it shouldn't cost a bundle just to get started.  Threads like this are great because there's lot of folks who can't get other good woods without paying a lot sight unseen which I would never do unless I knew the source, and Ipe is filling this void to the dismay of some who think that their wood is the only good wood in the universe...

Many newbies get ripped off purchasing wood, and I also see guys who get great wood from those with integrety. Marc St. Louis has a lot of his wood/staves in the Southland and its all great stuff.

No beginner should be out 55 bucks when starting to make bows, especially since "things" can happen :o...Rich (Lotojarich)turned his hard earned coin into a shooter. I bet his next one costs a lot less. ;)

Rich Saffold

Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Jesse on May 11, 2008, 01:05:52 pm
Great job on that one.
I got my ipe from Rich and plan on getting more ;)
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: lotojarich on May 11, 2008, 11:55:01 pm
Had I known about your site my fist one would have cost less too. Thanks for your info Rich Saffold. You have a great site!
Title: Re: Hickory Backed Ipe w/pics
Post by: Rich Saffold on May 12, 2008, 02:00:08 am
Thanks for looking Rich. My kid does it, and I will put up some new pics this week..
