Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Fox on February 15, 2021, 05:03:09 pm
I just had a messed up stave to use... so was only able to get 1 1/2" wide and its 64" long going to bend threw the handle if it makes it that far... big issue is Its a bit under 1/2" thick right now and bending sooo much... ssh probably won't get a hunting weight bow... if I get a bow at all.... I guess ill see what happens.... oh and this tree was cut somewhere around 100 years ago....
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Challenging piece of wood for sure, look forward to seeing how it goes. :)
I cut up a bunch of cedar trees on my neighbor's place, I suspect they had been on the ground for at least 40 years. the wood was as sound as could be inside. I made a hickory backed ERC bow and the hickory failed not the ERC. I initially cut the trees up for wood to make gizmos out of it was so nice that I had to attempt a bow.
How did you get ahold of wood that old Fox? I'd sure hate to break something with history like that.
A friend brought me the whole log and we split it up together, I got 2 staves and keep screwing them up ...
looks like you are trying to chase a ring down to heartwood..Am I right?.. sapwood makes a better back it has more elasticity .. if you can leave some sapwood clean . I never chased an ERC ring but I cut my stave and roughed out bow.. going to split the piece I cut off stave only 24" and practice on chasing a ring on it.. My roughed out bow is thick enough I could chase a ring ,has a couple of tiny gouges ..and the bug tracks in area Im going to recurve.. but they will be static.. sinew should protect those minor spots.. I got a few more staves also.. I got to debark and see if bugs got in them... I want to build one that has a lot of heartwood in it and leave a sapwood back ... love the smell of this ERC too...these staves are about 8 years drying..they split like a dream... gut
If the trunk was on the ground for a while I'd say the sapwood was probably no good for bows. The heartwood should be fine. ERC heartwood is pretty rot resistant. I've seen 50 year old ERC fence posts that were still quite sound.
Lood luck with your build. Sinew backed ERC should make a pretty good bow for you.
Eric that looks like some nice erc there...
Yeah gut Chased heartwood,,,, I wanted to leave sapwood back but it was messed up, part of the reason I’m having an issue with the stave being too thin.... there’s a “valley” in the center of the stave where the ring goes down.... but I’m not sure if I should get out the gooseneck and chase that part or keep the back flat, my worry is that it’s already bending sooo much I don’t want to take more off,,,
if its in center of stave then it shouldn't bend there, if you can lay out your handle there it would be ideal. provided your not making a D bow..... you are going to sinew it too so you should be safe... just remember on ERC the sapwood is more elastic than the heartwood... but trust me I understand.. the beauty of the heartwood is captivating.. I got the same bug.. I will be roughing out another stave provided I can chase a ring on my cut piece and its doable.. I want to leave some sapwood on bow for contrast and elasticity about 3 rings.. they are pretty tight... if I can do it I'll hold off on the bow I just roughed out for another sinew pile is getting low.. I'll be pulling over and cutting tendons off road kill till next hunting season it looks like..hahahahaha.. gut
when I say center I more mean the center and running the length of the stave for the dip in the back.... but I am making a D bow I think... or atleast some bend in the handle because I was worried about the width.. I also can tiller better with a bit of a bend in the handle for some reason.... ive got about enough sinew for this bow and a set of arrows for it...... then im choppin roadkill legs too ;D ;D
(my mothers not particularly excited when I say to pull over so I can chop those legs off of that deer there) (lol) (lol) >:D
do you usually take the whole leg home and then get the sinew? or cut it off the deer right there? (lol)
Mom might be even less enthused about taking the whole deer! Unless you are in a pickup :fp (lol). You could get more sinew though! Good luck on the build?
Mom might be even less enthused about taking the whole deer! Unless you are in a pickup :fp (lol). You could get more sinew though! Good luck on the build?
Yeah she probly wouldn’t have it if I tried to throw the whole deer in the back of the jeep.... ;D (lol)
I Just grab the rear leg tendons haha .. gut
Split stave
Hopefully better pic
Lookin good !
I did some heat corrections on mine,.. and oh boy that wood is so soft even with a 1/2” thick piece of leather between the clamp and wood it but such a big dent in it.... erc is some tricky tricky stuff...
I till my ERC with sandpaper once it hits the tree.. yes super soft will dent easily..... gut
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( ( ( by Livvydog (, on Flickr( ( ( by Livvydog (, on Flickr