Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Flintknapping => Topic started by: timmyd on October 05, 2019, 04:46:26 pm

Title: Shout out to outback bob
Post by: timmyd on October 05, 2019, 04:46:26 pm
Just wanted to put a public shout out to MR. Bob. Invited me and my boy to his tent at the flintridge knapin to learn knapping. I watched him make a blade as he described each blow/flake and why he was hitting where he was etc. After the blade was done I grabbed a flake and he worked with me on getting a point out of it. As luck would have it I snapped it at the end but at least for the first time I felt confident that I had a few basics and general knowledge down to get me on my way. Well came back home and knapped this point out while a pork butt and ribs were on the smoker. It's not near perfect or at the level you all are at but I think it looks good on the end of this river cane shaft and I hope to take a deer with it this year. Thank you sir for taking the time to pass it on. I hope to do the same some day
Title: Re: Shout out to outback bob
Post by: RickB on October 05, 2019, 06:55:46 pm
Nice point. Great combination - excellent teacher and an excellent student.
Title: Re: Shout out to outback bob
Post by: Outbackbob48 on October 05, 2019, 07:17:10 pm
Thanks timmyd, great lookin point, you caught on quick. Hope to see at few of the knappins. Bob
Title: Re: Shout out to outback bob
Post by: sleek on October 05, 2019, 07:22:43 pm
Holy crap! If he can teach like that in one session, I need to schedule one!
Title: Re: Shout out to outback bob
Post by: Russ on October 05, 2019, 07:52:25 pm
 (A) (as i compare my first arrowhead to your first i am amazed at how quick you caught on, so i compare it to m the ones i make now, im even more impressed but to still stay proud of mine i say) - "nice"
Title: Re: Shout out to outback bob
Post by: Outbackbob48 on October 05, 2019, 07:56:37 pm
Whoa, timmyd had all the basics I just gave him a little tune up :o
Title: Re: Shout out to outback bob
Post by: JEB on October 05, 2019, 08:25:28 pm
I saw you guys making gravel that day. Good job Bob and TimmyD
Title: Re: Shout out to outback bob
Post by: bjrogg on October 06, 2019, 07:35:34 am
Nice point Tim. Always enjoy Outback's contributions to the site. Most be a great teacher to. Thinking he had a good student to. Keep on making flakes. Look forward to seeing more in the future
Title: Re: Shout out to outback bob
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 06, 2019, 04:12:47 pm
That Bob is a no good, sorry son of a cur dog. He's ALWAYS taking innocents such as yourself and teaching them bad habits like breaking nice rocks into gravel!  I wish I would have had a chance to warn you of his corrupting ways, but he has a way about him that he always finds those that are susceptible to corrupting.  He probably got you to give over contact information so as he can keep on passing on more of it!  He is an enabler and has been known to give away perfectly knappable material along with the how-to's. 

Sorry you fell in with such ill folk as this. Sorry indeed!
Title: Re: Shout out to outback bob
Post by: Russ on October 06, 2019, 06:29:51 pm
Whoa, timmyd had all the basics I just gave him a little tune up :o

I could use a tune up!!! ;D ;D

Title: Re: Shout out to outback bob
Post by: Outbackbob48 on October 06, 2019, 07:20:43 pm
C'mon JW, You know it's not good to hold back, just let it go and you will feel better. ;D Bob :KN
Title: Re: Shout out to outback bob
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 07, 2019, 12:37:02 am
C'mon JW, You know it's not good to hold back, just let it go and you will feel better. ;D Bob :KN

And he wears funny hats!  LOL!

But seriously, the guy just can't help himself. He is a natural educator. It comes to him like breathing.
Title: Re: Shout out to outback bob
Post by: mullet on October 07, 2019, 05:55:41 am
Great looking point! You had a good one for hands on instruction, too. Here's a little tip: If you are going to hunt with that arrow wrap some more sinew down the shaft, at least an inch behind the point. And wrap it up to the point, this will keep the shaft from splitting if you hit something hard.