Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: bjrogg on September 13, 2019, 04:14:23 pm

Title: Rainy day job.
Post by: bjrogg on September 13, 2019, 04:14:23 pm
I started this bow while I was waiting for the field to dry out so I could plant my Navy Beans.

It's my first spliced handle bow. I got a bunch of billet staves from Frank at Marshall. It's definitely not the best splice job I've ever seen, but seeing how it's the only one I've ever done it's the best one I've done. It actually sat around here looking like a turd most of the summer. It ended up getting really dry and I've been busy. We finally got some rain and I got out my rainy day bow and it kinda transformed itself from a turd to a pretty nice looking bow. It's not all prettied up yet but I had it to 52@27" on the tree and held it there for awhile. It's a RD Osage with static recurves. The tip overlays are water buffalo I got from PA Steve at Marshall. Not the greatest pictures but I snuck in a few between showers. I'll get some better ones when I finish her all up. On another rainy day.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: bjrogg on September 13, 2019, 04:16:37 pm
Sorry my pictures didn't show up try again
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on September 13, 2019, 04:36:19 pm
Nice job farmer. Once you learn how to splice you can get billets cheap or free and make fine bows. Or, take a wonky stave and cut it in half then splice it back together more straight.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: Hawkdancer on September 13, 2019, 04:40:31 pm
A neat handle wrap, some "makeup", and no one will ever know! :BB. Looks good to me!
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: Hawkdancer on September 13, 2019, 04:42:00 pm
"Rainy Day Woman"?
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: bjrogg on September 13, 2019, 05:08:42 pm
"Rainy Day Woman"?

I kinda like that Jerry. Not sure if my wife will.

Thanks Pearl. I got a whole pickup load of billets from Frank

Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: bjrogg on September 13, 2019, 05:16:37 pm
Think I got a picture of them somewhere after I split them.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: Santanasaur on September 13, 2019, 06:08:04 pm
Nice one Bjrogg. Curves like that are all the makeup you need
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: George Tsoukalas on September 13, 2019, 06:29:45 pm
Very nice! Jawge
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: burchett.donald on September 13, 2019, 06:38:04 pm
  From beans to Bows...Nice work Bj, looks real balanced and wouldn't expect anything else from you...Got me thinking of some Navy beans and Corn bread now! Dang it
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: bjrogg on September 13, 2019, 07:59:40 pm
Thanks everyone.
Don I hope you can eat a bunch of em. The price is pretty low. As soon as it dries up again its gonna be time to harvest em.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: PaSteve on September 13, 2019, 08:47:46 pm
Nice bow BJ. That splice looks fine to me especially considering it was your first. My first attempt at a static broke on the tillering tree two weeks ago.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: Knoll on September 13, 2019, 09:03:37 pm
Looks like fine splice and end result. Congrats, Brian.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: bjrogg on September 13, 2019, 09:43:51 pm
Thanks Steve and thanks for the Buffalo horn. It's some pretty though stuff. Makes really nice overlays. I put some on a HHB Bow I still have to do some finish work on.

Thanks Mike. It sure looks a lot nicer now than when it looked like a turd. I gotta admit I was a little nervous drawing it at first, but it feels good a solid in my hand
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: chamookman on September 14, 2019, 02:19:19 am
Great profile BJ  :OK ! Bob
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: backtowood B2W on September 14, 2019, 02:57:31 am
When it holds together, thats all you need. The look.... is always seen different by each person.
I actually made also my first spliced handles.
Maybe this help...
- a Z splice does the job as well.... less wedges - less work, more time for finess
- make the tips as wide as your saw blade

but I guess by this pile you gonna make a jig, which will definitely help too

Love your work and your tiller jobs are great.
Can't wait to see here all dressed up ;)
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: Selfbowman on September 14, 2019, 08:28:53 am
I can’t seam to get those z splices down. When I do one which is not often it’s a v splice.  Looks good BJ . Arvin
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: bjrogg on September 14, 2019, 08:50:50 am
Thanks Bob
That's a really nice looking splice there B2W. On a really challenging pair of billets.
Thanks Arvin. I did learn a few things. Now if I don't forget them before number 2. I should get a good bit of practice before I get through that pile.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: bassman on September 14, 2019, 09:58:17 am
Nice bow Bjrogg.Nice splice job also Ba to wo. If you use a 4 to 5 inch v splice,and add a piece of wood on the belly side for the riser, and use smooth on that will work also.Never tried it with out the wood.Don,t know if it would hold up that way.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: HH~ on September 14, 2019, 05:05:07 pm
 Nice BJ.

I like making billet bows. I usually cap the belly side of riser with like wood.

I remember talking with Gary D. He told me liked making billet bows and one stave bow is no better or worse than a billet bow.

Use good quality 2 part epoxy and a type that expands when curing and you GTG.

Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: upstatenybowyer on September 14, 2019, 08:56:15 pm
Nice work BJ! Other than making it much easier to find good bow wood, the thing I love most about splicing is being able to control the amount of deflex (or reflex) put into the handle.

Looks like you got enough good osage there to keep you busy for many a rainy day.  (R

Your bend looks stellar as always.  (-S
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: bjrogg on September 14, 2019, 08:58:47 pm
Thanks Bassman and HH. No rain today. Dug sugarbeets today. Early delivery. They will go directly to factory.
I actually did build up the handle. I will probably wrap it and cover it to when I get another rainy day.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: bjrogg on September 14, 2019, 09:03:47 pm
Thanks Jeff. I did like that aspect of the splicing. And yes more than a few rainy day projects there.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: M2A on September 15, 2019, 07:50:35 am
Good looking lines on that splice. Great bend in that bow. Always nice to get a rain day after a long busy dry spell.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: bjrogg on September 15, 2019, 08:32:40 am
Thanks M2A. Was up early digging beats but got rained out. Hopefully I don't get anymore and I can dig in a couple hours. I need to have 50 acres piled on headland by noon tomorrow. Got about 29 so far. Might get a chance to work on Rainy Day Girl for awhile. Hopefully not to long though.
PS your right about the being nice getting a rainy day after a long dry spell. Funny thing is it's nice to get a sunny day after a wet spell to. ;)
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: Hawkdancer on September 15, 2019, 11:37:44 am
  From beans to Bows...Nice work Bj, looks real balanced and wouldn't expect anything else from you...Got me thinking of some Navy beans and Corn bread now! Dang it
add in some ham with the beans, blueberry pie ala mode for dessert, and coffee, or iced tea!  Let me know when dinner is -C- >:D (lol)
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: bjrogg on September 15, 2019, 12:08:08 pm
  From beans to Bows...Nice work Bj, looks real balanced and wouldn't expect anything else from you...Got me thinking of some Navy beans and Corn bread now! Dang it
add in some ham with the beans, blueberry pie ala mode for dessert, and coffee, or iced tea!  Let me know when dinner is -C- >:D (lol)

My wife makes some really good beans. She always gets asked to make beans for all the gatherings. She won't tell her secret recipe, but I know it includes, ham, bacon, ketchup and mustard. There good and the more time you put them in the fridge and reheat them the better they are.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: Will B on September 15, 2019, 05:34:35 pm
Great looking bow!  Very nice splice job and handle. Looks like you have a nice supply of Osage!
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: Hawkdancer on September 16, 2019, 12:01:17 am
BJ,  I know about those secret recipes!  We have one for spaghetti sauce that is the closest I have ever found to the original recipes from " The Hill" (Italian community) in St. Louis!  I once managed to at least get the ingredients for a whiskey marinade from a fellow chef in Nashville, he said just adjust until you like it, and it will be good!  Sort of like "parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme"; mix them the way you like them!  Your wife' recipe is close to the baked beans from back east!  I agree they get better with a bit of aging!
Wait!  This is a bow making thread >:D -C- (lol)!
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: Russ on September 16, 2019, 08:18:59 am
I got my secret bread recipe and pumpkin pie recipe! I can tell you that the bread has flour in it and that the pie has pumpkin in it! rest is classified. >:D

I just got some billets and am hoping to get a good splice from it! i'm excited!
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: DC on September 16, 2019, 11:15:21 am
We were out camping a bunch of years back and I decided I would make baked beans over the campfire. I picked a recipe out of a camping book. I soaked the beans the first night and spent the whole next day nursing the fire to keep it just ticking over. At the end of the day with great anticipation i dug into the beans. They tasted exactly like Libby's. I was so disappointed. They were quite good but I could have just opened a can.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: bjrogg on September 16, 2019, 11:35:51 am
Thanks Will B i did finish up digging my early dig beets. Sun is shining again and lots of work to do around here.

Haha might have to get one of the moderators to move this to the cooking My wife probably couldn't give you the measurements anyway. She cooks kinda like I build bows. Doesn't measure anything just does what looks right. Not afraid to experiment either. She puts chunks of apples, pears and bananas in cake. Calls it something different came. Funny thing is it's always something different everytime. My daughter in law is a good cook to and she's always trying to figure out how my wife is cooking stuff.

Yup DC. Making beans from scratch is time consuming. My mom always did our light red kidney beans. Navy's she usually just got from a can unless she was making bean soup.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: DC on September 16, 2019, 03:43:16 pm
My Mom used Kidney beans too. I like them better. I used Navy beans on my camping beans. Mistake.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: Hawkdancer on September 16, 2019, 11:43:16 pm
We usually use  Adobe Mills Anazasi beans for ham and beans, and chili, and recently have been using Bush's Organic Black Beans from the can for the table.  Got both black beans and Anasazi beans in the garden.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: Russ on September 17, 2019, 09:30:28 am
Uhhh, I use... Beans!  ;)

I always like looking at your bows bj!
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: bjrogg on September 29, 2019, 02:07:21 pm
Well we've been crazy busy. We did finish harvesting our Navy Beans. Got most of our wheat planted. Spread 500 tons of lime and 400 tons of bio solids on our clover cover crops.
It's raining again so time for a knap with my rainy day bow.

I knapped the point while the glue was drying on the copperheads.
Title: Re: Rainy day job.
Post by: burchett.donald on September 29, 2019, 04:03:40 pm
  That ought to skin a fish! Nice looking Copper head skin also...