Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Cave Men only "Oooga Booga" => Topic started by: Aries on April 11, 2008, 06:12:47 pm
I have never been out specifically looking for watter moccasins, but now i have a dream of black snake skins on an osage bow, and i can't shake it :o. Can you guy give me some tips on when, where, and what weather conditions to look for these guys at. i live in South central Oklahoma, and i have a few ponds and small lakes i can check.
good hot weather. in places where they sun shines through. flat surfaces whre they could lay in the sun. under logs, but risky case of poisinus snakes.
I don't know about OK. , but when I hunted in Wichita Falls I saw them around the Tanks.What I noticed, though ,they were kind of puny compared to the ones in Florida. Also saw some this morning down in Louisiana.
Yep, their coming out about now. Look for the scummiest, shallow water - with game (fish, frogs, minners type stuff) and you aught to find some moskins. Late spring when it's hot and humid seems to be the best time. I'm in north central TX so should be about the same.
Of course your not going to kill them just for the skins right, I'm sure yer planning a tasty meal of snake ;) ;D
i know if i got a good snake. id be eaten him.
They are OK for an Appetizer...but they just don't eat like a Steak does!! I like to cube them up ...batter them....and then deep fry them till golden Brown...and serve them like a side dish or something.... I never just kill a Snake for the sake of a Skin....because all you have to do in the Spring and to drive the side roads at night after it starts to cool down...and you can find all kinds of them trying to keep warm on the edges of the Pavement...or run over already trying to keep warm....
They are OK for an Appetizer...but they just don't eat like a Steak does!! I like to cube them up ...batter them....and then deep fry them till golden Brown...and serve them like a side dish or something....
They eat better than steak. I love a good snake fried in a dutch oven. Justin
BEEF....................whats that ? STEAK ....................whats that ? Yummy........... snake and cabbage ! ;D..........bob
Never had snake, then again their really ain't to many up here. Eastern fox snakes get big but ya just don't seen them
very often anymore.
not many in more northeren areas, eh? ;D i cant say ill be out lookin for them, but if i see a rattler, i never have before, i will probably shoot' em for meat and hide.
Some of the ponds and creeks around here are just slitherin with em :). Me and the brother used to sneak up on em in the water, grab em by the tail, spin em around in circles and let fly - we were easily amused back then ;D. These were just your average water snakes of some sort - we kinda avoided the fat black ones.
I'd like to get hold of some cottonmouth hides one of these days, too. The're closely related to copperheads, and the younger ones have a nice pattern that kinda resembles a copperhead. We don't have any water moccasins up here in the mountains, though-just the non-venomous water snakes.
In the Oklahoma Panhandle...on a couple small Lakes called Dead Indian ....and Lake Vinson....they are all along the have to watch you step for sure....they will litterally follow your Boat or Canoe around the Shoreline...and when you drag in a Fish....they will try to take it!!....My Buddy George was beating one in the Head last Summer when it tried to get His Crappie....He beat it with a Plastic Boat Oar!!!
I have been keepin a keen eye on the sides of roads as usuall, i have just recently added snake on the list :P
I haven't quite worked up the courage to eat a poisoness snake yet, i didnt know how to go about the preperation... cough.. good excuse right ;D Ty
Rattlesnake - skin, wash, cut into three inch sections, salt and pepper ta taste, roll in corn meal, deep fry. Tastes just like chicken ;D. Except that peice I bit into at the roundup - weren't quite done :P.
just cut the head off skin it gut and thow it on the grill :D
Hey Aries, where bouts in south central OK do you live? A place that used to be absolutely crawling with "Mockskins" was what we called the Sparks Slews which was where Deep Fork ran between Meeker and Sparks (about 15 miles north of Shawnee). A lot of the area has been taken over as private Duck Hunting areas and the Deep Fork east into Okmulgee County is now part of a Wildlife Management Area.
Hey Paul, what Rattlesnake Round-up did you go to? They have one in Waurika which is about 20 miles North of th Red River. I don't mind eating snakes, it's all those guys walking around with the live ones in the gunny sacks that give me the heebe jeebies. :-[
I made a few of em. One in Jacksboro, and in Sweetwater - think the other one was in Ft.Worth somewhere.
I live in between chickisha and cement, right by the little fishin lake, lake birche. Apache has a rattle snake festivle once a year, It is a real big happinin around here there are usually tons of ppl, and any snake related products you can think of ;D
Snakes aren't out good here yet, all I've seen are a few of these little baby ones:
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Yeah......right.....them retic's are just all over dem Hills now ait they!!!!!!! ::)
Actually I believe that one is an anaconda not a retic. Ill bet Bob and Eddie have a few down there direction. How do they taste Bob? ;D Justin
Yum ! ;D.......bob
Wonder how many bows you could cover with him?
I know Moscow Hide and Fur(PA classifieds) had some skins a couple of months ago at
Here in Indiana it is rare to find a cottonmouth and is just fine by me. I worked in SW Louisiana and had more than enough experiences with them to last me a lifetime. I've never been chased by a snake before and hope I never do again. Mean sob's
Well i imagine it would take two or three that size for a bow ::). the ones that size need some more time to grow before they are good bow material.. ;D Ty
Yep we have a few don't we Bob?, If you don't like to pick bones, just cut the backstrap out of the snake and stir fry it with some veggies and rice.
I've heard that they're getting pretty bad in Florida these days. Anybody heard from Eddie lately? ;D
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I bet the snake spit him out! ;D Pat
LMAO, and blow beer out my nose! ;D Pat, the only reason it'd spit me out is I'm too darn sweet. It's funny, today I was turkey hunting and set up next to a big Palmetto thicket and had a two and a half foot Mocassin crawl right by me about 8' away. I couldn't find a stick and didn't want to use a 3 1/2" Nitro to kill an ol' snake. especialy with a bird that Gobbled a little while before. Bad part is I'm going back in the morning in the dark, It's the last day of the season and the old boy only has two hens and I'm sure he'll roost in the same place. And I already got 3 of his brothers'. ;)
dang going for 4, must be nice to ge that many a season.
good luck ;)
pictures of the buzzards would be nice too.
There are plenty of them out and about here in N TX right now. I usually see them hangin' out near the banks of pretty much anywhere there is water. Ive also been seein' plenty of, maybe more, diamond backed watersnakes. They look almost identical to a water moc. except they can get longer and are nonvemonous.. I shot one yesterday when bowfishin, got em' pinned up and drying right now. Good luck.
i love me some rattlesnake meat. Good Luck findin them snakes.
I'll tell you what...these are some viscous Snakes....and Stinkers too....never smelt a Muskier Snake in my Life than a Diamondback Water Snake....does the Smell come off of the Skin??? It has to wear off a Person!!!! :o
yeah the diamondback watersnake smells like a skunk, literally. I cleaned two of em yesterday and stopped cuttin right before the genital slit. From my experience, once you start cuttin' down south the musk intensifies enough to initiate a gagging reflex.
I'll stick to Rattlers....Racers....and Rat Snakes!!!!
Da Three R's
Mullet, I would've used that Nitro w/o thinking. Mean sob's
Well, if ya have too many snake skins or meat I would be willing to take them off your hands! ;D
David T
I watched a Redneck in a Truck swerve off the Road onto the Shoulder ....just to run over a 5 foot Bull Snake on the Way Home from Work today.....He skidded on it rolled Him up and ruined all of the Hide too....wasn't nothing to salvage....what a Moron!!!
Cool, two young boys working for me told me they got me a couple of snakes over the weekend. Ones a 5' Eastern rattler and the other one is an increditable, 5' Water Mocassin. I haven't seen one that big in a very long time.
You tell those boys that they can butter up the boss by hunting snake skins for him eh. Justin
Yes sir! and the one's Granddad owns a 3,000 acre cattle ranch loaded with turkeys, deer ,and hogs. And recently, 15 Pacu monkeys escaped from a Safari Park about to open just down the road from his ranch. I can't wait till they put the Rhino's in. I guess these joker's never saw a Brahma bull walk through a fence. >:D ;D
If you get lucky they will put in American Bison. They don't even notice a fence. Justin
aries: im not too far from ya. i live about 15 mi north of clinton. ive been seein a few mocs around the ponds here. the rattler roundup in mangum is as big as the apache one or bigger. the mangum area is loaded with rattlers. they even have had national geographic out there doin a documentary or two on the large population of rattlers in that particular area. i go down there to cut mesquite for the smoker. -carpenter
I live in between chickisha and cement, right by the little fishin lake, lake birche. Apache has a rattle snake festivle once a year, It is a real big happinin around here there are usually tons of ppl, and any snake related products you can think of ;D
I used to come to your neck o da woods every year for the Auto Swap Meet
It's not a smooth skin though. I live Fla., and as a kid we used get rid of quite a lot of them. Once when we had a stationary rain storm, for about two or three days, I went out at night to run down the shell rock road to the store, bare foot as usual, ( I was about 13 ) and as I jumped over the ixora hedge in our fornt yard, I heard something slither in the hedge, so I made a note of it, and went to the store, and came back, jumped over the hedge, and went and got a light and a machette, and found a small to medium cotton mouth, ( about 2 1/2 -3' long ) and proceeded to remove his head. I didn't eat him Dana, my Mom wouldn't let me bring it in the house. But as for no snakes in the mountains......I was up above the rapids, and Dam, in Nantahalla, where they have the rapids for the canoes, and I turned over a rock in the creek to look for insects, and found a nice little copper head there. I put the rock back down. Not gently, but back down! I didn't think there would be any there either. I did find much to my pleasure, that the people of North Carolina aren't exactly fond of snakes......As a Kid we used to wade the canals, frog hunting, and snake whacking. Once in awhile, we would come upon a set of red eyes quite a bit farther apart than a frogs, so we would ease out of the canal, and go on up a ways, and get back in continue looking for frogs, and snakes. If I get back down to the Big Cypress, and our old camp, I will see if I can find some. I haven't been down there for quite a long time. The Army corps of Engineers, and general destruction, put in a canal not too far from our cabin, and it dried up everything. Had a couple of nice saw grass ponds, around the cabin. Used to always jump a deer in them, but they are all dried up now. Hi, we're from the Government, we're here to help you......Uh, no thanks.
I know Moscow Hide and Fur(PA classifieds) had some skins a couple of months ago at
Here in Indiana it is rare to find a cottonmouth and is just fine by me. I worked in SW Louisiana and had more than enough experiences with them to last me a lifetime. I've never been chased by a snake before and hope I never do again. Mean sob's
I'm sorry to completely be off-topic, but the visual image of a snake chasing someone made me laugh hard. I just got this image of a snake chasing me, I know I would run and scream like a girl. Thanks for the laugh! :D