Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: Pat B on April 03, 2019, 05:59:26 pm

Title: Hello.......
Post by: Pat B on April 03, 2019, 05:59:26 pm
...anybody home?   :o
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: paulsemp on April 03, 2019, 06:01:01 pm
Mentally or physically?
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: Pat B on April 03, 2019, 08:53:51 pm
Either. Seem mighty quiet lately.
 Hope to see you and that pretty little girl in a few weeks. ;)
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: Hawkdancer on April 03, 2019, 10:57:09 pm
Those don't sound like real dimensions! >:D (lol)!  Got a bow in the works, some arrows in the straightening process, some really nice poc shafts waiting in the wings, and a "special" woodworking project about finished - will post pics.  Plan on making it MoJam again, and maybe Montana if it is reasonably close!  Who else is out there?!
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: chamookman on April 04, 2019, 12:25:54 am
 Hi Pat - getting ready to chase Gobblers  :G ! Bob
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: JEB on April 04, 2019, 02:03:54 am
Haven't busted a rock since last Sept, for personal reasons. Grabbed a box of bandades and heading to our spring knap in this weekend. We shall see.
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: paulsemp on April 04, 2019, 03:34:21 am
Either. Seem mighty quiet lately.
 Hope to see you and that pretty little girl in a few weeks. ;)

Wish I could Pat. Works way too busy to even think about taking off. Marshall Michigan is my staple every year. This year Nina and I are going to hit up mojam for the first time
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: bjrogg on April 04, 2019, 03:55:50 am
Either. Seem mighty quiet lately.
 Hope to see you and that pretty little girl in a few weeks. ;)

Probably because my blabbering hasn't been on here as much lately. I really need to figure out a good way to post pictures again. I've got lots to post and even more to take. I've had a lot of personal stuff going on to. Plus that time of the year I'm trying to get everything ready for planting.
It does seem a bit quieter than usual around here though.
PS Jon I sure wish I could make it to the spring meeting. Got a birthday party to go to though.
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: Pappy on April 04, 2019, 05:33:57 am
Yep still here. ;)
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: Pat B on April 04, 2019, 05:45:42 am
Sorry y'all won't be there, Paul. Maybe next year.
Bust a big one, Uncle Bob.   :-M       :G
  It just seemed a bit quiet here on PA. I guess that happens occasionally.
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: mullet on April 04, 2019, 07:37:05 am
Yep! been chasing and killing gobblers the last three weeks and started classes in Kyudo. I'm starting to like shooting my 7' 1/2 long, bow.
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: YosemiteBen on April 04, 2019, 08:24:06 am
Yup still here! Gearing up for another round of rain, at least according to the forecast. April 17 my wife and I will celebrate 25 years of putting up with each other. Going to the coast for a few days. We will be doing a Northern Mariposa County Historical Society presentation on Saturday. Local Gem and Mineral show knapping demo all day next weekend.  Anniversary the week after that. always something to do!
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: ohma2 on April 04, 2019, 08:48:08 am
Still here to. Being on full time oxygen i have slowed down out of nesescity.been shooting a bow i got in a trade with Byou Ben in the basement ,i can shoot about 50 arrows and im out of energy.
always wanted to carve a praying mantis (long story) so i did one scaled up in size and it came out very well.didnt cut myself but this part of the forum alot getting to know what other things folks are up to.being so close to mo jam, 45 minutes, its near and dear to me after all these years, anyone who hasnt come should, its a hoot for sure.
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: Russ on April 04, 2019, 08:50:02 am
Either. Seem mighty quiet lately.
 Hope to see you and that pretty little girl in a few weeks. ;)

yes it's hard to satisfy my primitive "bug" when it's quiet here!  ;D
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: Hawkdancer on April 04, 2019, 10:56:48 am
Ben,  Congratulations to you and your lady on that milestone!  Have a good time!

Ohma2,  hope to see you at MoJam!  Getting 50 arrows down range is a good achievement!  Bad shoulders and not being 21 anymore are also a hindrance!

Also, plan to try to reduce a turkey population by a couple of Tom's, hope to get one with my bow.  That will result in a photo shoot!  Got to get the garden prepped, and get ready for the Bolder Boulder 10 km challenge, hope my hip holds up!

Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: osage outlaw on April 04, 2019, 07:48:08 pm
Either. Seem mighty quiet lately.

The primitive archer forum peaked in 2013.  Its been on a very steady decline since then. 
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 04, 2019, 08:39:55 pm
Running constantly with school programs with the birds, work, trying to learn how to operate Quickbooks before April 15 crushes me against the wall, and training a new redtail hawk.  Oh lord, this new redtail is something! She is amazingly gentle and sweet natured. I had a moment with her this morning that left me breathless and on the verge of tears. Oh Freya, you are the bird of my dreams. And then she crapped on me. Literally. Crap. In my face. Hot, wet, and streaming down the side of my face and under my collar.

So....yeah, just the usual.
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: Hawkdancer on April 04, 2019, 11:29:02 pm
Funny, we didn't get that close to the turkeys!  Good luck with the new bird!  But they can be more fickle than women!  Just have to teach her proper manners!  At least, she didn't hit your mess kit! Or did she? >:D Hee! Hee!
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: EdwardS on April 05, 2019, 01:43:40 pm
I'm still getting set up here, but today I hung up some dog bone rawhide and I'm cutting up the scraps for hide glue.  Can't  wait to try making my own.  Slowly but surely I'm getting everything together.
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: sleek on April 05, 2019, 04:06:02 pm
Not currently building, just thinking and living vicariously through other builds that catch my eye. May be heading down to Florida in a few weeks for another contract job. Currently in Wichita, doing the nomadic life style again.
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: DC on April 06, 2019, 08:26:22 am
I'm still getting set up here, but today I hung up some dog bone rawhide and I'm cutting up the scraps for hide glue.  Can't  wait to try making my own.  Slowly but surely I'm getting everything together.
Some of the new rawhide dog bones are just one sheet of rawhide filled with a ground up compressed rawhide filling. The filling made good glue with no cutting up scraps. That said, I don't know how good the glue is on a scale of 1 to 10 but I did sinew a bow with it.
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: Stoker on April 06, 2019, 09:01:32 am
Been busy. Work has been insanely busy. Phone won't stop ringing. Ain't complaining, just saying. Making hay when the sun shines.
Had a grandson born last Friday morning. Jace Everett 7lbs 10oz. Too bad he lives 2 hrs away. Can't bother him every evening.
Major sewer backup in basement. Thanks for insurance.
Got a hide fleshed on the rack ''waiting'' to be scraped, gonna make another drum for a friend.
I thought when I got older I'd have more time. It'll get better. We'll muddle through. Push forward. Never loose hope.
Getting ready to go turkey hunting with my son. 10 year wait for a draw. It'll be fun
I feel better
Keep your stick on the ice
Title: Re: Hello.......
Post by: EdwardS on April 06, 2019, 02:22:42 pm
Mine were a good sheet and then just rawhide scraps.  I got four great sheets for sheath work and then enough scraps to make a nice batch of glue, which will have to wait for tomorrow as I had to wait all day to see if I was needed for a PC repair.